Our Blogs
THUNDERBOLT BREATH to Recharge the Kundalini – ED Reversal with the Power of Breath
THUNDERBOLT BREATH to Recharge the Kundalini - ED Reversal with the Power of BreathKundalini Shakti is the...
The Fantastic Opportunity of Negative Energy – MILKING NEGATIVITY
The Fantastic Opportunity of Negative Energy - MILKING NEGATIVITY This short piece is aimed at sharing a...
Why Meditate – See What Happens in Meditation
Ever noticed a coconut palm tree? High above, twenty, thirty or fifty feet above the ground, among the leaves...
Brahmacharya – An Important Stage
Brahmacharya is the path that leads to great fulfillment. According to our Shastras and rishis that saw and understood...
SATI – When Shakti Sacrifices Herself In Her Devotion to Shiva
I trust some have started experiencing many benefits accruing from using those parts of your Pranamaya kosha you never...
How and Why Did Atma Get Entangled in Karmic Bonds?
As a young man, i remember i agonized over this question and often asked spiritual gurus and others these questions....
The Ego Paradox – Big Ego, Small Man; Small Ego, Big Man
We have often heard it said and also said it ourselves, 'he has a big ego'. Ego is basically a limitation. Ego limits...
Beating the Blues – With a special Trick
Everyone experiences a sense of low, a sense of despondency every once in a while. The reasons can be...
The Great AI Challenge and Opportunity Before Humanity – RAISING CONSCIOUSNESS
There was a time when humans stood out in terms of intelligence over all other life-forms. All animals, plants and...
Dealing With Kundalini Energy
In a sense, all energy in the human body originates from kundalini energy. If you like, you may think of kundalini as...
Building Intimacy With Breath
Intimacy, in my understanding, is the deepest expression of one's appreciation of a person, idea or thing. When...
Why Must We BREATHE Better?
If one's health and wellness get better when we eat and drink better, can you imagine how much better it will become...
Breathe Better And Live Better
Breath is central to life and that's a known fact! Life begins with the first breath and ends with the last. But...
Kosha Consciousness – Breaking Out and Breaking Through Bondages
Sage Patanjali brought awareness of the five koshas - annamaya, pranamaya, manomaya, vijnanamaya and anandamaya....
On Brahmacharya – Outgrowing Body Consciousness
Brahmacharya is the path where one rises from body consciousness to a higher consciousness. As he does, his interest...
Chanting Om Namah Shivaya Can Trigger an Erection and Ecstasy
One of the very special effects of combining adhyatmic activities like yoga, pranayama, chanting etc is that the Nadis...
The Good and Bad in All Relationships
One of the biggest problems in most relationships is that one tends to view them in absolute terms - when we 'like'...
The Amazing Secret Powers of the Muladhara
That little muscle at the base of the human trunk that has been decided and badmouthed more than any other part of the...
The SATCHIDANANDA Breath and States of ANANDA
A few weeks ago I had written a piece on the Sat-chid-ananda Breath (Click here to read more about it) It spoke of how...
The Mother’s Gifts
They ask why those that are not good, those that are bad, are rewarded by the maker, And then they hang their heads in...
Sushumna and Semen Retention
Think of the Sushumna Nadi as the super expressway between the major chakras. Of the 72,000 nadis the sushumna is the...
Humanity, Nature, Survival and Fulfillment
There is an often underappreciated law in nature. All living species from the tiniest and most insignificant to the...
Babaji, Activating Higher Consciousness and the Shiva-Shakti Breath
Babaji's pictures always show him with his eyes open and focused on the third-eye. Surely, most have seen it. All who...
What Makes Meditation Special
The importance, value and need for meditation has been emphasized enough by many who know what they are talking about,...
The Debasement of Sexual Energy – Our Greatest Loss
Whether by choice, design or some unhappy coincidences, mankind has succeeded utterly in debasing the most powerful...
Temples, Erotic Art, Energy and More
Numerous temples in India display erotic art openly and without embarrassment. Indian or Hindu (Santan Dharma)...
Your Shiva and Shakti – Your Mount Kailasa
Shiva and Shakti…consciousness and energy are the two ‘components’ that create life…in all its many permutations and...
A Darshan or Two of Ma Kali – Fed at the Mother’s Breast
As i walked today morning in the lakes, Ananda bubbling inside on its own while Sat-chid-ananda Breath flowed down the...
Ananda on Call?
A few days ago, i wrote about the presence of Ma Kali, feeding at her breast and her joining Shiva in that classic...
A Deep Experience
Deep in meditation once long ago,He asked me what I wanted -'Spiritual development is what I want'I answered - and my...
A Conversation, A Visitation and A Presence
Many years ago, deep in meditation a higher power/energy/being/god asked what i wanted. It was like a telepathic...
ShivaLinga, The Symbol Of Peak Ecstasy
The highest symbol of spiritual heights is the highly venerated Shivalinga! The Sivalinga is not just a phallic symbol...
Dhanvantari, Leeches and Vasodilation
Dhanvantari, a Vishnu avatar, is the god medicine and good health. 'Dhanvantari is depicted in stark resemblance to...
Trace Emotions (Emotional Grease) and Resilience
Trace emotions can be thought of as packets of energy imbued with memory of unpleasant experiences. Usually, trace...
A letter to my body
Dear Body, Let me begin by confessing that I love you. I love you because I have experienced much of this world...
A letter to my mind
Dear Mind, I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and happiness. I am writing to you today for a special...
A letter to my ego
Dear Ego, I suppose you will be surprised to hear from me. Anyway, I hope you will give me the courtesy of reading...
The Power of ‘Wasted’ Efforts
No matter how big a 'waste' an effort appears to be it's still energy and energy is known to not be destroyed. We...
Procastrination – Cause and Cure
Procastrination is an extremely common phenomenon and is often responsible for much more damage than even bad...
How’s That?
For most of my 'senior' life, once i started monitoring my BP, heart rate etc i found my heart rate used to be in the...
Day – 4 Navaratris
As fasting, breathwork, chanting and cleansing continue, those who’ve become intimate with their breath and somewhat...
Day-3 Navaratris
With fasting and breathwork if you've been able to chant, co-ordinating the mantras with the flow of the breath, you...
Acceptance and Rejection
Acceptance and rejection are both important...esp for one trying to live consciously and reach his highest potential....
My Journey into Brahmacharya
It started some 6-7 years ago. At first it sputtered and I failed a couple of times but I was under the guidance of...
The Power of Smile-Drenched Breath
A follow-up piece on the Un(Sabotaged) Mind pieces... The Power of Smile-Drenched Breath Smile-drenched breath is...
Covid, Vagus Nerve and (Male) Sexuality
If Covid had you any time during the last two years and if l, among other things, it affected your sexuality or that...
The (Un)Sabotaged Mind
That which is subtle controls that which is gross. We have a body but the body on its can do nothing unless energy...
Why Men Stray (The Secret Reason)
It’s common knowledge that men stray...many men, most men! What’s not common knowledge is the secret reason! Instead,...
Bouquet of Breathwork Programs:
1. ED Reversal with the Thunderbolt Breath program; Especially suited for men in their 40s, 50s and more... Helps...
The Amazing Power and Gifts of Breath
Life has been extremely kind to me. It's been kind, not in the normal or traditional sense...in terms of bestowing...