My journey with the breath started when I was in my teens as an inner thirst for something led me Vivekanandaji’s books on yoga, including one on ‘Raj Yogi’. And, I began to discover (later) that the breath not only gave life but also healed, guided, taught, inspired, cleansed and rewarded in innumerable ways. Pranayama, nadi shodhana, meditation started in earnest and brought many experiences (which I truly understood much later). But no journey is complete without breaks, detours, mistakes and a lot else.

My journey, too, meandered like a mountain stream – turbulent, exhilarated, undisciplined and more…until I reached the plains of life where things slowed down but clarity came along. Slowly, much that was once important until then became unimportant, meaningless and unattractive. What became more and more important was something inside that had always been ignored. I began to see that whatever was happening outside was just a drama while life actually was happening on the inside. That’s where the feelings, memories, thoughts, energy, clarity, confusion, dismay, excitement, hope, depression etc held the stage. And the director, the all-powerful director, was a thing called the ‘mind’ which was nowhere, yet everywhere. It seemed able to burrow itself into different parts of the being and pull out all kinds of stuff…most of which brought pain and misery.

And, understanding dawned that the shadowy mind was controlled by something even more shadowy, the ego. These two ruled the kingdom called ‘me’ with dozens of powerful organs, trillions of cells (each with over a 100 trillion atoms) and amazing hidden abilities, strengths, potential and an organization that could function on its own without anyone’s intervention. Food was digested, waste expelled, a heart could beat on its own untiringly for hours, days and years on end, blood flowed and carried a rich supply of nutrients to every cell even as messages were efficiently sent from everywhere to the headquarters called brain and so on.

Something began to stir and demanded back power from the mind-ego combine. That’s when realization dawned that the breath – by simply watching the breath – could begin to quiet the mind which I could then use to work FOR me, not AGAINST me.

Insights and clarity continue to pour in by the bucketfuls and I share them on Facebook

Much of my recent writing on breath and adhyatma can be found here. A book of my short stories (published in China and the UK) and poems can be sent separately.

With insights gleaned from pranayama, where i noticed that my exhales could be very long came Swaskosh Shuddhi Kriya (Lung Purification Technique) to cleanse lungs, nadis and also the sushumna. It shared various techniques including the Huffing technique to repeatedly expel stale air and often, phlegm. With additional and targeted squeezes the cleansing could be done very effectively. The Krishna’s Flute Maneuver added a very powerful method to cleanse nadis, sushumna and the chankras. Participants gained hugely from the program and even long-term asthma patients reported substantial improvements in their conditions. Other segments of the program helped deliver very rewarding results and many participants reported substantial improvements in the quality of their breath.

As clarity has increased manifold, I’ve recently started offering an online program on ‘Raise Your Vibrations with Breathwork’ that aims to empower participants with tools they can use to lift their own vibrations. There’s a lot more because it also helps them reach higher levels of awareness and consciousness simply by working their breath. One learns ways to break out of wherever one is stuck and overcome long-standing habit patterns that may left him debilitated and drained.

In addition through experience and observations were born other powerful programs like:

The Thunderbolt Breath Program for ED Reversal (hugely beneficial for middle-aged men with erectile dysfunction issues);

The Tridosha Balancing (Kapha Dosha Nivaran) program – a unique and effective way to overcome Kapha-related issues an d change the body’s constitution meaningfully withi weeks;

Hanuman Master Breath – a very powerful breathing program, which combined with others can help overcome many aches, pains, conditions like hemorrhoids, pelvic floor dysfunction, fibromyalgia, sciatica etc;

Lotus Opening Program – an immensely powerful way to open and widen the sushumna, leading to a total supercharging of the whole body-mind-energy complex within a few short weeks and less;

Other short duration programs for corporate executives (preventing early burnout) and to destress are also offered.

Dr H R Nagendra, Guruji of S-VYASA (Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana), Bangalore, a highly respected figure in the field of yoga research saw the value of the Swaskosh Shuddhi Kriya (Lung Purification Technique) Program that I was offering earlier than others and gave me the opportunity to start offering a short duration online course for S-VYASA in December, 2021. Since then, at least eight different batches have been taught the course and many have benefited from it. In addition to the S-VYASA sponsored courses hundreds on facebook and Youtube, where the videos have been uploaded for all to see, watch and learn, leading to thousands having gained in some way through the techniques shared in the powerful lung-health program at a time when lifestyles and a pandemic have played havoc with people’s health, esp their respiratory health and lungs.

Guruji, Dr. H R Nagendra and S-VYASA have also given the opportunity and honor of participating in the 24th INCOFYRA (International Conference on Frontiers in Yoga Research and Its Applications), a prestigious event where new findings and breakthroughs in the field of Yoga are shared with the world yoga community in the presence of some of its tallest figures. That the Swaskosh Shuddhi Kriya has been given this opportunity is a huge statement and testament to its efficacy and power to bring change to people’s health.

Seeing the success and popularity of Swaskosh Shuddhi Kriya (Lung Purification technique), the Tridosha Balancing (Kapha Dosha Nivaran) program has also been offered a platform by S-.VYASA. It has attracted good interest and participation, too.

If my long journey can help some and if you can catalyze the movement, we could do our bit to help lift people from their morass onto the lofty heights that lie hidden inside their very beings.

I can be contacted (reached) on:


Ph (Mobile): +91 9903022270, +91 7003092539i

Youtube channel: Rajesh Kanoi

Instagram/LinkedIn – Rajesh Kanoi

It would be wonderful to work together to help people breathe better. TO BREATHE BETTER IS TO LIVE BETTER…


Rajesh Kanoi (rajyogi)

In Association with S-VYASA 

Yoga Research and Yoga Therapy – two Yoga fields which S-VYASA has poured life into!

Rajyogi In association with S-VYASA is dedicated in providing instructions and training in Yoga and Spiritual lore.

Click to Know more on  S-VYASA

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