Orgasmic Breathing with SWA-TANTRA Kriya

When just breathing can create great pleasantness in the being, what need remains for one to look for entertainment, pleasure etc externally!

Indeed, Orgasmic Breathing can happen easily once you have cleansed your Nadis, activated your sushumna, recharged the kundalini if it is depleted and supercharge your Pranamaya kosha.

Supercharging the Pranamaya kosha or energy body happens when the flow of energy becomes easy and unimpeded in the body. Naturally, blockages have to be cleared.

The SWA-TANTRA Kriya program teaches all the above and helps recharge the Pranamaya kosha by using the Sushumna like a vacuum cleaner to pump out the doshas esp kapha. That leaves the Nadis beautifully cleansed and easy-flowing.

Once the kundalini is recharged and cleansing done, movement of energy becomes easy. That’s when Orgasmic breathing becomes easy and regular…

That’s the stage when one can move their energy up the spine easily, conserve their vital fluids and experience states of ANANDA repeatedly for hours, if they like.

One thing is clear, a SWA-TANTRIC becomes more and more liberated with each passing experience…

One who becomes less and less dependent on external sources to find pleasantness, bliss, joy and finds it easily within without losing his precious resources, is able to channel his energy higher and higher with greater ease.

The stage of complete freedom or Nirvana is then a step away.

Each higher chakra is a higher level of consciousness…and nothing stops one from going progressively higher except his own self…

Shiva and Shakti, when they meet within, transform a tiny powerless human being into something far more inclusive, expansive and more…

To experience Oneness is to discard one’s limitations…

– rajyogi

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