Our Blogs
Arousals – Shakti in Search of Her Shiva
When arousals happen but cannot control you and instead you channel the energy of arousal up the spine, Shiva comes...
Clearing Spiritual and Life’s Hurdles With Breathwork and Chanting
Think of spirituality in simple terms and understand it's simply using energy to help raise consciousness and to...
Breath, Energy, Healing and Consciousness
Of my numerous breath-related roles - as breath-watcher, breath coach, breath-explorer, breath writer, breath poet,...
Learn About the Hanuman Master Breath
Ram Ram, dear Hanuman Master breath workers... I trust your belly breathing and Hanuman Master Breath practices are...
Tridosha (Kapha dosha) Balancing and Yoghurt etc – Victory Finally?
Anyone suffering from kapha dosha imbalance (read about it in ayurveda articles if you're not familiar with the term)...
The Inner Smile – With the Belly Button
You may have heard of the power of a smile. A smile usually happens when we are happy. However, with a bit of...
Higher Consciousness – The Path to Greatest Fulfilment
Those that have higher consciousness also have access to greater intelligence, skills, abilities, capabilities and so...
To Breathe Better Is to Live Better
Q. - 'How can Breath impact our quality of life?' - KJN Life begins with the first breath and ends with the last. As...
Simple Ways to Improve Your Mood
Emotional Alchemy Alchemy is the science that turns dross (dust) or ordinary metals to gold. In the middle ddoe ages...
Embrace Positivity With Balanced Emotions
Some Thoughts Often people do not realize how they harm themselves when they go around life harbouring negative...
Feel Great and Look Better
Feel Great and Look Better Looks are important. In a society so focused on appearances, naturally looks are important....
Ascending to the Inner Ram With Hanumanji’s Help
Ascending to the Inner Ram With Hanumanji's Help (Hanumanji Is Power of Breath, Reaching One to Ram is His Aim)...
Mental Health and the Chakra or (Endocrine) System
Mental Health and the Chakra or (Endocrine) System Mental health is an extremely important area of human concern and...
A Bouquet of Inspiring Thoughts
A Bouquet of Inspiring Thoughts Matter is dense is dark is illusion! Love and intelligence are subtle, light, bright...
Meditation – Silencing the Mind Through Quietened Emotions
The power, usefulness and need for meditation is now well-known and acknowledged universally. To meditate is normally...
Participant in ED Reversal Shares Report Midway into Program
Participant in ED Reversal Shares Report Midway into Program Participant in ED Reversal Shares Report Midway into...
Energy and Consciousness – The Divine Game of Shakti and Shiva
Understanding Depression and Overcoming It This is a brief look at the anatomy of depression without going too deep...
Understanding Depression and Overcoming It
Understanding Depression and Overcoming It This is a brief look at the anatomy of depression without going too deep...
Meditative Expansion, Lotus Opening
Meditative Expansion, Lotus Opening When we meditate and go a little deep in, we experience a certain inner expansion....
COPD? Better in Weeks
COPD? Better in Weeks Swaskosh Shuddh Kriya, a powerful technique to cleanse the lungs and Nadis has helped me and...
Breath – Your Greatest Asset and Its Three ‘Secret Channels’
Breath - Your Greatest Asset and Its Three 'Secret Channels' Most people take their breath for granted. it's a given...
The Technique of Hanuman Stamina Breath
The Technique of Hanuman Stamina Breath Start by applying a tiny amount of pure cow's ghee (clarified butter) to both...
The Three Breath Channels
The Three Breath Channels The three major breath 'channels' referred to here are not the same as the three main Nadis...
Prostate Symptoms And Possible Relief
Prostate Symptoms And Possible Relief Some of the major prostate symptoms are:Frequent urge to pass urine;Need to get...
An excellent exchange with an ED Reversal participant who did the program about 18 months ago
An excellent exchange with an ED Reversal participant who did the program about 18 months ago. He speaks with obvious...
Forces of Evil Must Be Overcome – The Atman Needs Protection
Forces of Evil Must Be Overcome - The Atman Needs Protection While we live here on earth, naturally life seems...
The Breath Sangam – Discover Your Major Breath Channels and More
The Breath Sangam - Discover Your Major Breath Channels and More Normally, those who are aware of their breath, may be...
A Hindi Song (Likhe Jo Khat Tujhe) to Test Voice Quality After Breathwork and Cleansing
A Hindi Song (Likhe Jo Khat Tujhe) to Test Voice Quality After Breathwork and Cleansing This video is to share how the...
Compulsiveness and Habits – Signs of Being Trapped
Compulsiveness and Habits - Signs of Being Trapped(Break Bad Habits With Breath) While habits and...
Athlete’s Foot, Fungus, Oral Health Care and Cure With COCONUT OIL
Athlete's Foot, Fungus, Oral Health Care and Cure With COCONUT OIL Oil pulling is a well-known ayurvedic...
Mind Your Belly Button and Its Periphery
Mind Your Belly Button and Its Periphery Mind Your Belly Button and Its Periphery(Hidden Switch To Higher Self)...
‘Stuckness’, Depression and The way Out
'Stuckness', Depression and The way Out We all know someone who is stuck which means they are going through...
Reduce Kapha or Phlegm Production, Breathe Better
Reduce Kapha or Phlegm Production, Breathe Better. Excess phlegm in the body can affect and interfere with...
NO (Nitric Oxide) and Testosterone for A Great Bedroom Experience
NO (Nitric Oxide) and Testosterone for A Great Bedroom Experience With all the pollution and lifestyle...
Fighting Kapha Dosha – Breathing Better
Over 80% Reduction in Mucus/Phlegm(Fighting Kapha Dosha - Breathing Better) My fight with kapha dosha or the...
Kapha Dosha Balancing – Substantial Reduction in Mucus and Better Quality of Breath
Kapha Dosha Balancing - Substantial Reduction in Mucus and Better Quality of Breath Kapha imbalance has plagued...
Kundalini and Ojas
Kundalini and Ojas Q. How do I transmute sexual energy into ojas? A. Unless kundalini energy and its powerful...
A Few Thoughts on Kundalini
A Few Thoughts on Kundalini Many people often ask about kundalini and if their kundalini has awakened based on...
Karmic Issues – Game of Shakti, Maya, Darkness
Karmic Issues - Game of Shakti, Maya, Darkness Karma-related issues have confounded well-meaning folks for...
Breathwork Magic
Breathwork Magic While everyone breathes most have no idea about the power of their breath. They breathe...
Over-thinking: Disease That Destroys
Over-thinking: Disease That Destroys Thinking is a powerful gift. However, the power of thinking is good only...
Ananda and SWA-TANTRA
Ananda and SWA-TANTRA In a sense, all human activity is a search for Ananda or bliss. All that humans do,...
When Times Seem Rough – And ALONENESS Claws
When Times Seem Rough - And ALONENESS Claws If you've connected or tried to connect with your higher self, how...
The Four Purusharthas – Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha – An Easy Definition
The Four Purusharthas - Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha - An Easy Definition Sanatan Dharma (meaning ageless...
SWA-TANTRA, a Kriya Beyond Belief
SWA-TANTRA, a Kriya Beyond Belief When we start watching the breath, the breath shares its secrets with us. Yes, the...
Accessing Higher Consciousness
Accessing Higher Consciousness The greatest lessons in life have to do with consciousness. Karma teaches...and...
SWA-TANTRA Kriya – A Super Expressway Higher
SWA-TANTRA Kriya - A Super Expressway Higher There may be a million programs and practices offered. But see if...
Orgasmic Living – A life Near the Peaks of ANANDA
Orgasmic Living - A life Near the Peaks of ANANDA If you could live in joy would you like to live in misery? If...
Orgasmic Breathing with SWA-TANTRA Kriya
Orgasmic Breathing with SWA-TANTRA Kriya When just breathing can create great pleasantness in the being, what...
Liquid Body – And Belly Breathing for Complete Health
Liquid Body - And Belly Breathing for Complete Health When we think of the body we think of a solid mass...