Meditative Expansion, Lotus Opening

When we meditate and go a little deep in, we experience a certain inner expansion.

Sometimes we experience as if our mind has grown very wide and everything, the whole universe seems to be inside. This happens even as we, physically, exist as a small part of the universe…

The experience inspired a poem long ago…Sharing it…

The Veil

Each in the Other, the Other in each
yet the Other stays out of reach.
If He is nothing what are we –
If we are nothing what is He!

If He is Truth and full of bliss
why do we find happiness amiss –
if we are pained and troubled so
how can He leave us, where can He go!

He is within and He is without,
His bidding we can never flout –
we might as well, then, do thigs right
than be forced by His servant, Karma’s might.

When He is around, all aound to see
why aren’t we aware easily
that He is me and He is you
and He is Everything else, too!

A thin sheet called the ego separates
the Creator from what He creates –
like fools we wrap our sheets around
and though we’re Him, He is not found.

– rajyogi

The point of the poem, i trust, is clear…

The expansion felt in meditation is very cathartic because it melts away many boundaries and brings a deep experience of oneness, completeness. We are freed from the tyranny of our minds that seems to keep us trapped in our limited ‘i’ ness.

Allness and the nothingness seem to be intricately woven into each other…

Just as there is a certain expansion needed in the mind to release the inner mental toxins of opinions, judgements, limiting ego etc. we also need to let go of toxins in the belly region.

The belly is actually closely connected to the mind. If the mind is disturbed or upset, so will the stomach be.

Usually, we cannot directly control the mind and similarly we cannot control the stomach too much either.

However, if we learn to allow a certain expansion in the belly region, especially near the manipura chakra, it can help release much of the poison that may have collected there.

A technique called Lotus Opening that Hanumanji poured as an insight (that’s what I believe) into me helps with this expansion and it help release much that should be let go. Changes and benefits are felt in quick order…

Just as the mind must be freed, so must the stomach.

Connect and learn a secret technique that can help immensely in innumerable ways…

– rajyogi (rajesh kanoi)
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