Understanding Depression and Overcoming It

This is a brief look at the anatomy of depression without going too deep into the subject as that can be an endless endeavour. Look at this piece as a ‘formula’ of sorts. It just might help you get insights into the subject and condition esp if there’s someone close that’s struggling with this unfortunate condition.

When depression strikes, one’s energy feels low. Low energy induces a feeling of tiredness and inability to cope with life’s demands.

When one gives in and stops trying, with attention focused on oneself and all that’s wrong in their lives, soon one starts feeling overwhelmed.

This starts a vicious cycle where low energy induces inability and then unwillingness to do what one must do. Not doing what one must causes one to look for excuses and they soon start blaming others. Naturally, these others are usually those that are or have been closest to one and can include family, friends, bosses, colleagues etc.

This causes a feeling of ‘poor me’ and victimhood.

There’s not a single person living who’s never had it bad or who hasn’t been treated badly by someone, by life or circumstances…

Every single person has gone through some terrible situations where they were treated poorly…or at least that’s how they felt.

But people get up and get going. Focusing on what was and why it happened over a longish period causes one’s energy to get stuck in the lower chakras.

When energy is stuck, one forms habits in the way they think, breathe, behave and live…

Changing some of these with conscious effort can pull one out of their condition, their depression.

However, these changes have to be sustained. They may need to be followed for a few months to actually create new pathways for energy and to help it get unstuck from the lower chakras.

Breathwork, pranayama and different hobbies, practices, interests etc can all help.

Energy affects consciousness and consciousness affects energy. Instead of allowing a vicious downward cycle of energy and consciousness one must create a virtuous cycle within where their energy lifts their consciousness and their consciousness helps them use their energy in powerful positive ways that lifts their consciousness…

Importantly, understanding and accepting that one has to take charge of their lives is key. Resolving to change one’s situation is also important.

Those who can fo so, can learn breathing techniques that can easily pull their stuck energy out and release them from an unfortunate trap.

Remember, one is responsible for their lives. No one else has the power to help one who is not ready to be helped!

Resolve to be the master of your mind, destiny and life…depression will run miles away from you!

– rajyogi (rajesh kanoi)

+91 7003092539

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