Tridosha Balancing Program (Kapha Dosha nivaran)
INR 6799 INR 3999
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Hours of Classes
Live Session
Week Duration
How does the Program work? 🧐
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Creating awareness of the subtle channels inside;
Step 5
Practicing breathwork to start getting expected results;
Step 6
Keeping awareness high to notice connection between breathwork, channels and effects/results.
Details about the Program
The role of the breath has barely been explored in relation to imbalances in the being. Therefore, only a few ‘privileged’ ones are going to be allowed to join this program for now. They will be pioneering a pathbreaking technique through this program in the interest of all.
Some of the more common diseases, ailments and conditions associated with Kapha Dosha are:
- Heaviness
- Lethargy
- Laziness
- Excessive sleep
- Constipation
- Poor appetite
- Nausea
- Excess salivation
- Diarrhea
- Indigestion
- Sweet taste in mouth.
If one has some combination of these, it’s a sign that one has a Kapha imbalance.
However, more importantly, Kapha imbalance is responsible for serious conditions like asthma, COPD, diabetes, depression etc.
Those interested in learning more about the background of this unique offering, may refer to these articles/pieces:
1. Familiarity with pranayama/breathwork. Ideally, enough past experience with yoga/pranayama etc;
2. Enough practice of Belly breathing and relaxing techniques;
3. Previous participation in the Swaskosh Shuddhi Kriya (Lung Purification Technique) Program and reasonably regular practice of techniques shared there, experience with the Krishna’s Flute Maneuver.
1. Achieving greater balance by eliminating Dosha imbalances through targeted breathwork;
2. Significant and remarkable reduction in production of phlegm/mucus.
3. Significantly improved breathing with subtler, easier and more complete breathing;
4. Better flow of energy throughout the being.
Rules (Terms and Conditions) for the Program –
1. You solemnly promise you will not share my method with anyone until you have been authorized and permitted by me;
2. You will do the practices daily as directed/shown;
3. You will send a daily report on your observations and changes in your breath and other aspects of your being – health/body/mind;
4. At the end of the program you will give a detailed testimonial on your condition before and after the program;
5. You will give me permission to use your testimonial and reports;
6. You are responsible for your health and will take necessary steps and precautions to take care of your own health;
7.You will not accuse or hold responsible the program organizer/s and teacher/s for any health or other issues;
8. You will be extra aware and observant of your breath and its effect on you;
9. There is no fixed charge for the program but participants will be expected to be generous in their contributions so that resources/technology are arranged for widely dispersing means and methods to help people take greater control over their lives and destiny;
10. Any other rules or obligations that might be needed as the program/organizer/s feel necessary.
Ready To Join
More than 50 people have already applied for the program. So make sure you apply now!
Enroll Now
The cohort is limited to 40 people.
Hurry up! Join now.
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Live Classes

Interactive Doubt Session

Regular Followups
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this a completely live program?
How much access do I get to my mentor(s)?
While we can’t promise 100% attention but yes in the interactions we shall try to take common questions and experiences and address all in due course of time
How much time can I expect to spend on the program each week?
Program will be delivered as per the duration but daily practice on our breath always help with better results. You can spend 20 minutes a day to start with and increase with time.
What’s included with the program?
This program takes place online, so no travel is required. And with time you will become part of a a private online community where you’ll interact with your batchmates.