Just as a magnet has two poles, a human being too has two poles that go by the names of Atma or Self and Ego. The atma is essentially the real self but without identification by whose presence life happens in a human being. Once life happens, something at the polar end begins to take shape and collect an identity around it.

The lower self or ego loves identities and thrives when they’re present. If not present, the ego creates them. Without identities and identification, the ego itself would have no being.

The ego is essentially a shadow ‘being’ that comes into being only when the sun of life or atma causes life to happen. No atma, no life, no mind, no ego, no Viyoga.

Viyoga is essentially separation and the ego is essentially separation, too! Ego is Viyoga and its presence creates separation.

As long as there’s separation, or the presence of ego, life cannot be fulfilled because there can be no fulfillment in darkness. So, ego creates darkness by blocking out the presence of the sun of atma by a thing called the mind.

The ego uses the mind as a shield to block out the atma and shows the resultant shadow of atma as reality.

To remove Viyoga is to create Yoga. The moment yoga happens, Viyoga ends and the moment Viyoga is removed, yoga happens.

Think of the ego as a shadow that comes into being when the sun is far in the distance. The farther away the sun, the longer the shadow.vdame is the case with ego.

When the sun comes overhead, as the light of the sun illuminates the intellect, the shadow of the ego disappears on its own.

Viyoga is, in this sense, darkness or the absence of Yoga.

Karma, Raj, Bhakti and Gyan are all ways to dispel the darkness or Viyoga so that Yoga happens.

Yoga is inclusive and subsumes everything in the Self. Viyoga is exclusive and creates separation in all possible ways.

A ln accomplished Yogi does not fight the ego or dismiss it. He merely shines the light of Yoga whenever Viyoga rears its head and Viyoga disappears.

The accomplished Yogi knows that yam, niyam, pratyahara, asana, pranayama, dharana, dhyana and samadhi are all important and help by simply bringing the power of the mind under the control of the Self. When the mind is stilled and its power brought under the control of the Self, Viyoga simply dissolves away without the Yogi even needing to lift a finger.

The path and the way of the Yogi is simple and clear. All that he does, he does so to bring the general from the ego’s army over to his side. Once the mind has been roped in, Viyoga’s days come to an end.

– rajyogi (rajesh kanoi)

+91 7003092539

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