The Three Breath Channels

The three major breath ‘channels’ referred to here are not the same as the three main Nadis (Idea, Pingala, Sushumna). These are the three channels that can be experienced as three different pathways of breath from the nostrils all the way to the muladhara (perineum), passing or touching and by-passing all the major chakras.

The Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh (Shiva) channels each plays an important role in the body’s energy systems…

For the most part the Vishnu channel seems the most accessed and used channel. However, for most it’s not experienced all the way till the muladhara. Instead, only a small part of it is usually felt, noticed or experienced by most…if at all.

Unfortunately, for most, breath enters through nostrils (and still more unfortunately through the mouth for some) and finds its way through the airways to the lungs.

Everyone breathes but few make its acquaintance. Therefore, breath fot most, is like a guest that comes and leaves the body at least ts own whim

When one learns to make friends with his breath, the breath shares its secrets that can enrich one’s life in multifarious ways.

To truly benefit from the breath one needs to familiarise themselves with its many expressions.

The Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh channels each affect us in different ways.

The Vishnu channel which runs all the way from saharsar to the muladhara is felt most easily because few manage to access their Shiva channel which runs through all major chakras along the spine and is usually not noticed. The Brahma channel which helps the body create itself after birth is usually most active in early years and slowly falls into disuse and becomes almost totally blocked as one grows.

The Brahma channel plays the most important part in charging and recharging the kundalini at the base of the spine. But once it’s blocked, the kundalini can get quickly depleted since there’s little recharge happening, if any. Kapha may be the major dosha in the Brahma channel.

The Vishnu channel helps sustain life and is the most used. Vata dosha may be most active in the Vishnu channel. Once this channel is blocked, the lower chakras start getting starved since it’s unable to provide maintenance to all parts and organs.

The Shiva channel which runs up the spine may be more easily affected by pitta dosha. The Shiva channel helps the body clear kapha and a lot else besides. Shakti loves the Shiva channel but when its path upwards is blocked cked it can wreak havoc. Therefore, excess energy but with a blocked Shiva path can create terrible imbalances in the body, mind and spirit.

Opening the Shiva path and activating it is extremely essential for one who wants to take maximum advantage of life as a human being.

Of all these paths, for most adults, reopening the Brahma channel may be most challenging as it’s quite subtle in later years. In the early years it could well be the most active but once it’s blocked, it becomes hard to discover like the Saraswati river which has different sappeared underground.

Think of the Vishnu channel as the Yamuna…

The Shiva channel may well be likened to the Ganga which was allowed to become extremely polluted under Islamic and British rulers. Notice how badly India fared under them and lost so much in those centuries.

Just as the cleansing, cleaning and reinvigoration of the these rivers is essential to the health and prosperity of India, so is the cleansing, cleaning and reinvigoration of the Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh (Shiva) channels for every individual…

– rajyogi (rajesh kanoi)
+91 7003092539

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