The inner journey of awareness from Muladhara all the way up to Sahasrara is the most important and rewarding journey in life.
This is a journey of awareness, identity, perspectives and attitudes. And, as the journey continues up the winding road to the inner Mount Kailasa, a deep change, an enormous transformation and a complete makeover becomes apparent.
Luckily, especially for those born in India and brought up in the often crazy and heady mix of colors, sounds, tastes, smells and sensations, it’s almost impossible to find the deep inner oases that are necessary to replenish one’s energy and resolve to move towards the inner Shiva.
Yet, along with all these contrasting and magnetic pushes and pulls a deep and refreshing Saraswati of knowledge, insights, clarity and lighthouses of guidance exist almost everywhere.
These guide one away from the chaos to inner sanctums through a myriad pathways of Karma Yoga, Raj Yoga, Gyan Yoga, Bhakri Yoga for each of these major paths have within them an uncountable array of paths suited to every individual mix of consciousness and energy or life.
One is free to take any path or combination of paths that lead him towards his Mount Kailasa.
Senses beckon at every corner with emotions and energy that attracts or repels and implores one to sit and experience this or that for a while, or a little longer and even longer still. Karma!
Karma, in its incredible manifestations draws attention, hoping one will imbibe the core lessons needed to move on ahead. Until then, karma will hold one back and stop them in their journey, sometimes with delicious experiences and sometimes with horrific ones that one might want to run away from but are somehow frozen, captivated or imprisoned without chains. Notice how animals freeze when overtaken with fear? Humans can freeze internally in the glare of Karma’s headlights!
Every major chakra from the Muladhara all the way up to Sahasrara has its share of distractions, both very pleasant and very distasteful but still with the power to captivate.
Shaking off these attractions and challenges, disentangling from the net of innumerable karmas needs to be a constant effort as one moves on. Ensuring one doesn’t slide back down the slippery slopes of karma can be even more of a demanding effort.
Those who have consciously chosen to make the journey up are often left wondering if they have made any real progress and if so, how much? There are few milestones, if any, and it takes a different level of insights and observation to make a realistic assessment.
While there are actually many small and big signposts, depending on their path, here are some that might help one evaluate how they’ve done. Sometimes this is needed to ensure one stays on the right and fastest path.
1. Notice how easily one is triggered by certain words, actions, people, things or situations. An incredible number of things can cause one to be triggered these days. To be triggered means one has allowed one’s energy to move a few notches downwards. One might then experience anger, despair, jealousy, pain, desire etc. The list of negative emotions is long (an internet search will give you enough).
Notice also how long these emotions hold sway and how quickly one recovers from them, when triggered.
2. Notice the dominant emotions and thoughts passing through the mind. While emotions are usually experienced deep inside, the mind interprets them as thoughts. So, good, pleasant, happy, peaceful, loving, grateful, compassionate emotions and thoughts are great, the question is how often they are in one’s consciousness. The more often the better and the longer they stay the better because they can be read as milestones.
The reverse is true of negative emotions. The internet can provide a good, comprehensive list of both positive and negative emotions.
One need not fight their emotions or thoughts because these fights usually only create more difficulty. Instead, notice them and observe them (especially the negative ones) and try and pick up the deep lessons or insights they’re trying to share…and please don’t blame others or even yourself. Merely resolve to be a better version to the extent your consciousness and energy permit.
3. Notice how easily or readily you allow those around you to be themselves without judging them. The less you judge them, the better. It doesn’t mean you’re responsible for their actions.
Not judging others means you accept them. And, to accept them does not mean you condone or support them as they are
It simply means you acknowledge their being as they are. In all probability, they are as perfect as they need to be at that particular stage in their lives. You’re simply giving them the space they need in their own journey.
Without spelling out each part of the journey in greater detail, broad pointers are shared above. That should suffice for now.
Notice how, in India, there are way too many attractions and distractions, yet the path is open…
Perhaps, for many, a life lived in India is the final chapter and a final examination in their journey towards their highest selves…
– rajyogi (rajesh kanoi)
+91 7003092539
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