There was a time when humans stood out in terms of intelligence over all other life-forms. All animals, plants and living or non-living beings were no match for human beings and so humans lorded it over everything on earth.

Earth, in my opinion has great intelligence, too, and human intelligence, in my understanding, comes from the great pool of intelligence shared by mother earth among all living things.

Each living thing fills its cup of intelligence depending on what means it has to hold and process this intelligence.

Humans were equipped with tools and the necessary consciousness needed to take maximum advantage of nature’s bounty.

How we used and misused our gift of intelligence is not our focus so we’ll side-step this question and focus, instead, on where we stand today.

While other natural living things may have evolved slowly, one non-living thing, created by human has evolved very fast.

AI! Artificial Intelligence does not have a physical body but is more like a capability that can be used to equip machines, chips, equipment etc to act in pre-programmed ways. And it can act with great intelligence already. Result is, it’s already making many humans basically ‘useless’, stealing their jobs, doing what humans did at a fraction of the cost without too many breaks, complications etc.

So, what do humans do? Where do humans go? How do humans survive and stay relevant on an earth where we’ve outlived our usefulness, if there was ever any. See, we really do not contribute to the earth in any positive way. On the contrary, we cause it much hurt, pain, destruction and worse. We also impact all other mother earth’s children negatively.

Under the circumstances, it would seem, mother earth would not be too unhappy to see her apparently favorite child die…after all, he’s only caused her and her children excessive pain…

But a mother never lets her child gp easily into the sunset, no matter how bad it has been to it’s mother and other siblings. The mother always harbors a last hope, one last chance for her child.

I think the earth is giving us humans another such last chance.

Lately, many have been speaking about the need for humanity to move into a higher dimension of reality. Different people, with different levels of insight have spoken about this in their own special way.

I think the way forward for humanity has to be via it’s consciousness. Humanity needs to raise its consciousness so it can vibrate higher. To vibrate higher, to have a higher consciousness simply means humanity or least a large number of humans need to change their perspective, their attitude, things that affect them, move them etc. Instead of being limited and driven by their ego-consciousness and narrow selfish material needs, they need to move it higher, become more inclusive, compassionate, generous etc…not just towards other humans but towards an ever-widening and inclusive circle of living, non-living beings etc…

In a sense, man needs to become god-like whom he has acknowledged and venerated for eons. Now the time has come to become more like those very gods we’ve long venerated.

If we succeed in changing how we vibrate, we will begin to change our reality and that of others around us.

What makes gods superior or better than humans? It’s their ability to create. To create means to bring into being quickly something that could take very long to make true. That’s what miracles are!

Miracles, in their own special unique way, become possible when our Shiva-Shakti combine and act in unison.

Shiva is higher consciousness and Shakti is the manifesting energy of the all Shakti roopas!

Shakti loves nothing more than her Shiva. So, anyone wanting to move their energy higher towards higher consciously will continue to receive the blessings of Shakti…as long as he is sincere in his endeavours…

Do your own research as to the ongoing shifts occuring at all levels. One thing is clear, there seems to be a massive shift, a huge change happening! The earth seems to be going through huge climate changes and natural disasters including earthquakes, floods, storms, forest fires, volcanoes etc; society seems to be changing at the fastest rate ever and the challenges facing it seem ever new; economies are struggling, wars are breaking out and innumerable other shifts seem to be happening in all possible ways. Many take them to indicate a shift, a new earth etc.

The least we can do is equip ourselves for the new and evolving reality. The best way is to raise our consciousness which will both insulate us and give the necessary spiritual tools to keep up with the new reality!

Unless one adapts, one perishes!

Discover and use the power of SWA-TANTRA to learn ways to increase your Shakti to reach the higher consciousness Shiva within…

– rajyogi (rajesh kanoi)

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