Whether by choice, design or some unhappy coincidences, mankind has succeeded utterly in debasing the most powerful energy available to human beings. Sexual energy creates life and that’s how every human being that has ever existed was created! Yet, it’s something that’s treated as something impure, bad, undesirable…something to be shunned, avoided and hidden away!

And, yet still, it’s something almost every human being craves, desires or wants in abundance! The pleasantness that humans and, probably all, living beings experience during sex is unparalleled…except by some in meditation and sometimes, breathwork practices…

Notice the strange schizophrenia that mankind as a whole suffers from. One the one hand, there’s some kind of societal shame involved with all kinds of things sexual. At the same time, it’s used in all kinds of ways to somehow sell any and every thing…even things that are not even remotely connected with sex.

We do it but are ashamed to mention. We want it but pretend we are above it.

Even religion and spirituality, largely tries to brush sexuality under the carpet…sometimes it’s allowed to peep out but normally some kind of intellectual cloak is used to conceal it, too!

Probably, all religions have tried to use, explore and reveal some of the power of sexual energy…at least on occasion and in some way. And, then also managed to get embarrassed and push it back down.

As a result, the real power of sexual energy has been limited to secret groups and practitioners. Sanatan Dharma which usually allows a lot of freedom and tolerance, this power of sexual energy was allowed to be cloistered away in tantrism, at hidden away locales where it was discussed largely in hush-hush tones. The practices were left to be followed by ‘outcasts’ of sorts…from whom most people in society wanted to keep a distance.

At least, there were attempts on occasion at lifting the veil of embarrassment and washing it of its taints through the occasional art in temples etc. And, there was actually a huge overcoming of guilt, shame etc which should never have been there in the first place.

Sexual energy creates life and helps sustain it, too! It’s nature’s (shakti’s) craftiness to have packed in so much pleasure in the act that life could be sustained!

Nature has also been crafty in ensuring that the true power of sexual energy remains undiscovered because few have the wisdom and ability to hold it without leaking, losing or depleting it through small pleasures…

And, mankind, helped nature in hiding the power of sexual energy which, when conserved and channeled, can lead to immense benefits and power.

The power that conserved sexual energy bestows is not power of ‘others’. It’s power over one’s own baser self.

Unfortunately, it’s by associating sexual energy and its power to fulfill the needs of the ‘lower self’ which can actually never really be fulfilled that the real and unfortunate debasement of sexual energy started and gained momentum.

It’s when sexual energy is freed from the clutches and insatiable demands of the lower self, that it will finally be freed to lift up humans in ways nothing can!

Once you’ve learnt to conserve sexual energy for prolonged periods, use the occasions when this energy is active to channel it up the spine and sit in meditation. The longer the energy is active and the longer you are able to continue staying in that state, the more healing will happen at all levels.

You will feel more alive and well than normal…

Next time the tides of sexual energy rise and course through you, don’t be in a rush to subside them through leakage, temporary and minor pleasures etc …

Remember, human beings are the only ones that can consciously enhance and channelize their sexual energy up to the sahasrara!

Whatever pleasure you may miss by not indulging in sexual activities you will more than make up through the experience of bliss inside…in time!

– rajyogi (rajesh kanoi)

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