Geetaji, shares a detailed report on how she challenges her lung condition diagnosed as ILD (Interstitial Lung Disease) with yoga, pranayama, mudras etc and is now doing much better.

This 78 – year old is not ready to give on to her condition or even to just medicines…

She has taken the fight right to the condition and reports:

‘…gunge (phlegm) was coming out my breathlessness improved and I wasn’t using the oxygen and my oxygen monitor was leveling at 90 … initially it was anywhere between 79 to 83 ..

‘…besides the breath is also making me a bit more calmer and my irritation levels have diminished considerably…

‘…gift yourself the prana technique to enjoy the life gifted to you…

‘…I am very grateful to guruji for showing me his technique and feel how important it is to breathe in the correct way to lead a very fruitful and active life…

As she continues, she asks, ‘a truly happy fulfilled life at any age is a blessing and I beleive that if one can enjoy our life to the best of our ability and make people around us happy why not do it ???’

Think about it…we owe it to ourselves to be happy…not just for ourselves but those around as well!

She continues, ‘Guruji’s techniques are good but one has to practice as nothing is achieved by non practice .. Rome wasn’t built in a day so an abused body will need many dedicated hours of practice and beleive me once u do the practice correctly and feel the result even if it’s for a minute u will want to do more … there is something in these techniques and we all feel it differently but there is gain…’

She has a lot more to share and that includes her wisdom…read the accompanying screenshots and be inspired by her indefatigable spirit…

Remember, to breathe better is to live better and Geetaji at 78 is showing just that…

A new Tridosha Balancing program for Phlegm Reduction will start in March…you may join the Tridosha Balancing whatsapp group to stay updated…

– rajyogi (rajesh kanoi)
+91 7003092539

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