A Unique Method To Reach One’s Highest Potential.
SWA-TANTRA KRIYA, a system, a technique where consciousness (Shiva) and energy (Shakti) meet again and again, creating waves of Ananda that spread their healing vibrations through the various chakras and lead to that beautiful state of being where one becomes calm, meditative, steady…
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“As the effect of deep cleansing of Nadis takes root, the path up along the sushumna opens, widens and stays open for progressively longer periods of time.”
Weeks of Breathwork Workshop
Hours of Live Sessions
Batches Available

***Sincere efforts of practitioner will deliver results
SWA-TANTRA KRIYA is one powerful technique that first

Helps open and activate Sushumna which for all practical purposes, may be considered the single most important nadi in the body.

Once the sushumna channel is easily available, Shakti has an easy path to move up towards her Shiva.
Therefore, when one practices celibacy and continence, Shakti readies itself to move up the sushumna and help in raising consciousness…
Once this energy becomes available, Nadis are cleansed and as the cleansing is deepened, the energy begins to flow freely throughout, leading to great sense of wellbeing and inner joy.
A SWA-TANTRIK discovers and experiences pleasure, joy, pleasantness…ANANDA on his own, without the need to depend on another partner & external stimulation!
He discovers the well-springs of ANANDA inside his being. With regular practice he begins to access and experience ANANDA or bliss almost at will, simply by moving his breath and energy and chanting mantras like OM, Om Namah Shivaya and others!
As healing and ANANDA become more and natural, he becomes more and more of a SWA-TANTRIK!
SWA-TANTRA KRIYA is one powerful technique that first :
Rekindles kundalini energy,
Recharges and enhances it
Makes it available to move higher
How program will effect you? 🧐
Some of the effects will start showing early into the program.
Cleanse the Nadis and sushumna;
Clears and widens Sushumna for Shakti to ascend to her Shiva;
Rejuvenates all cells and organs;
Bring Insights and an inner ‘knowing’ become a regular occurrence;
Calm, peaceful, meditative states become a regular companion;
Calm, peaceful, meditative states become a regular companion;
Cleanses chakras and get free of old energy and limiting patterns, leading to overcoming of old habits, emotions and thought patterns;
Shakti in its most powerful and creative avatar activates all chakras;
Emotional and mental imbalances are corrected and rebalanced;
Regular Shiva and Shakti ‘meetings’ happen within, leading to states of ANANDA
Direct Influence on the major Elements of the Body


Miraculous results will be hard to describe and predict. They will impact and positively influence all aspects and areas of one’s being!
“Swatantra Breathwork Classes and Workshop will help you prevent diseases & illness as Breathwork has done from Ages”
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Live Classes

Interactive Doubt Session

Regular Followups
Still have Questions?
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this a completely live program?
How much access do I get to my mentor(s)?
Mentors are easily available and responds quickly to any question or doubts
How much time can I expect to spend on the program each week?
Ideally 40-45 min per day should be allocated for the program
What’s included with the program?
This program takes place online, so no travel is required. And with time you will become part of a a private online community where you’ll interact with your batchmates.
That’s what they said 
Professionals, Retired, athletes, spiritual pratiotioners and budding entrepreneurs drive and inspire me and make this Power of Breath community. Here’s what they have to say.
I love what you’re putting out into the world.
It is with esteemed regard I present a testimonial for the SWA-TANTRA Kriya course I just completed with Rajesh Kanoi “Rajyogi.” After a profound spiritual awakening during a conscious breathwork class last year, I have been on a path to learn more about breathwork and its various modalities. This course has been a great source of motivation and inspiration. I felt electrically charged and had a significant breakthrough with physical reactions from our very first class.
‘The vital life energy that is so freely moving throughout my body now has completely invigorated my energy level, emotional wellbeing and mental clarity. I have broken disruptive habits (alcohol and diet) with little to no effort. I feel connected to this earth, to its people and to the universe like never before.
‘I am a positively transformed version of myself now that my stress and anxiety have dissolved and I’m operating from a place of abundance and love. I am the happiest version of myself and full of gratitude and excitement for this experience of life. I owe this transformation to breathwork. It is a direct line to divine consciousness and wellbeing. I highly recommend Raj and this course. Thank you and many blessings to you, your family and students Raj.
Morning sir After doing all
the breathing exercises my
body felt so light and there was
aprofound sense that there can
be nothing wrong with the world
andasense of oneness with
every being.
I’m happy to see you sharing videos on YouTube. Our private sessions are so valuable that I know you can make a big difference by sharing these breathing techniques online. I don’t think I could have ever imagined the HUGE life-changing effects of breathwork, but I credit it to my 180% transformation.
For those of you interested, breathwork reset my nervous system, helped blood flow to my otherwise cold extremities, enhanced my connection with divine consciousness which made all aspects of my daily life healthier (from eating healthier to eliminating alcohol), and most importantly set me on course to living a life more aligned with my higher self. Thank you for all you do!
I want to report that my back
pain is vanishednmy breathing
exercise has become very
smoothnis becoming better
day by day.
Good afternoon,
I am feeling much better today!
My health is almost back
completely back to normal.I
began today’s work with some
free hand movement followed
by pranayam. Iľ’m getting the
hang of yogic breathing now
andIobserve my Energy rising
after each round of breath.Idid
15 rounds of perineum
breathing and I’ve got to sayi
feel as if it collects so much
energy in me making me feel
radiant!Iget energy surges up
my Spine feels very vibrant!
Initially, there was not much
feeling in the body except
physical stretching.While doing the breathing, sensation started in the
scrotum region . In the last Excercise, energy seems to be radiating from
scrotum region to whole body
through spinal cord .
While doing the second set of
excercises, ie breathing out
throught spine, there was
tingling sensation in spine near
the heart region. Feel good sensation was in
scrotum too. Body seems to be fully
energised and energy radiating
within.From head to toe.
Sir I find my in breath flowing
very freely up and down my
spine, going down to my
muladhar and up to my crown
chakra and beyond. The pain in
my back is responding well to
the deep belly breathing as well
as the hanuman master breath.
There is a wonderful feeling of
well being and happiness.
Thank you so much sire AA
The breath is indeeda’master
key’ to all our physical,mental
and spiritual ailments.,