SWA-TANTRA, a Kriya Beyond Belief
When we start watching the breath, the breath shares its secrets with us. Yes, the breath has its secrets, like everything in this world. Discovering secrets and becoming intimate with truth needs sincere work and attention.
Once the process of watching the breath begins and gathers pace in terms of commitment and sincerity, the breath starts opening its heart and slowly its deepest secrets start tumbling out.
It’s not that the breath wants to keep its secrets. If anything, it’s keen to share them! But, they can only be shared with those who ‘pay attention’. Attention is the fee we pay to know what we should know, must know! Unfortunately, attention is usually an extremely powerful resource that’s wasted on totally unnecessary and flippant activities.
Breath values attention and when we pay it attention, it delivers things that enrich us in innumerable ways. And, when Pavansuta Hanumanji is watching over us, breath becomes an even more generous benefactor.
Breath, with which life begins and ends, has a treasury filled with goodies that can transform lives extremely powerfully.
The gifts of breath based on my journey and studying long years at the exclusive BREATHVERSITY has yielded a rich haul of secrets that I feel impelled to share.
SWA-TANTRA Kriya encapsulates the deepest secrets and techniques I have learnt in my nearly fifty-year journey with the breath. I wasn’t always a keen student of breath but I was always interested. It was as if something inside me felt pulled towards it. Breath exerted a magnetic influence over me. It was as if Breath was waiting for me to ask for higher learning. With attention.
SWA-TANTRA Kriya is a powerful and wholesome technique which is taught in steps and it helps to cleanse the Annamaya, Pranamaya and Manomaya koshas very quickly by first starting its action on the sushumna. Slowly, other Nadis are cleansed, leading to a pristine inner state accompanied by strengthening of the systems that keep the body and its organs functioning well.
The human body is unique with its chakras and levels of consciousness. It is an instrument that is said to be craved by Devatas also because it’s a powerfully created system that can enable a human being to rise to immense heights of consciousness with will and effort.
This is a gift that no other living being seems to have…not even the devatas!
SWA-TANTRA Kriya cleanses the systems within in ways that make it ready to quickly move one’s consciousness higher and higher and still higher.
So, what happens when consciousness moves higher? The answer to this question is simple…levels of consciousness is the great difference between all things and beings – Paramatma, Gods, devatas, humans, mammals, birds, fish, insects, trees, plants, bacteria and so on…
Becoming human is not the end of the journey. If anything, it’s a launch pad to something far far greater!
Just as the earth is a tiny part of the great cosmos, life and consciousness on earth has a lot more to evolve towards…
But, first a human must rise towards his highest consciousness.
SWA-TANTRA Kriya helps you get there probably faster and better than anything else…
While breath itself is apparently free, its amazing secrets cannot come for free.
And, SWA-TANTRA Kriya is among the best programs available to common people living a common life to rise to a level beyond the ordinary!
– rajyogi (rajesh kanoii)
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