Question shared by participant in Tridosha Balancing Program ‘Suffering from piles,fissures, cholesterol and high B.P’
While the Tridosha Balancing Program is focused on kapha dosha which creates phlegm/mucus issues especially in the respiratory system, it also focuses on the Sushumna Nadi and teaches powerful breathing techniques to activate it.
In many ways the master key to one’s health and well-being is the Sushumna Nadi. When this Nadi is blocked due to kapha or the other doshas, it impacts health in many ways.
The Tridosha Balancing program will focus on clearing and cleansing the Sushumna Nadi of blockages caused by phlegm it will dive deeper to ensure even the production and collection of phlegm in the system is reduced.
Naturally, it will yield benefits and results in all areas of health and well-being, including spiritual aspects.

Ayurveda says one dosha or an imbalance caused by one dosha e.g. Kapha imbalance can lead to the other doshas viz. Pitta and Vata also becoming active.
Therefore, relief from Kapha imbalance will lead to improvements in other doshas and areas , too!
Additionally, the powerful healing action of Hanuman Master Breath which is a central part of this program will help you and other participants get relief from conditions like piles, fissures, high BP etc. I’ve had these results myself and can therefore say that regular practitioners will see many powerful results.
– rajyogi (rajesh kanoi)
+91 7003092539