Think of the Sushumna Nadi as the super expressway between the major chakras. Of the 72,000 nadis the sushumna is the one that can transport one from the lowest level of consciousness to the highest.
That means, once the sushumna is open and active one can rise fast in terms of his consciousness. The rise of energy up the sushumna becomes possible once the kundalini is awake and ready to move. If her path, the sushumna, is clear and unobstructed, naturally, her ascent towards her Shiva becomes easy. She is kundalini or Shakti.
Sadhus, sanyasins, yogis, seekers used to spend decades working on their sushumna, trying to open and cleanse the path for kundalini…so she would not be stopped or trapped once she was stimulated and ready to rise…
Many unprepared and impatient seekers have been known to have managed to ‘raise’ their kundalini but because their Sushumna wasn’t cleansed enough, the energy got trapped in one of the lower chakras, leading to erratic and irrational behaviour. Some even lose their minds and go totally crazy…Kundalini energy is heightened energy and when the lower chakras, used to lower levels of energy, suddenly have an excess supply, they’re unable to handle it. It leads to excesses. MADNESS!
That’s the power of kundalini! Like powerful electricity one needs to be sensible in dealing with it…
Clearing and cleansing the sushumna is critical not only from the adhyatmic or spiritual point of view. It helps in many mundane aspects of life, too!
As energy begins to move up the spine, it sweeps much of the karmic memory out of the way, thus shortening the journey of the atma to the paramatma…however, before it moves it all away, it brings it up for one to deal with it so that important lessons are learnt well.
In many ways, learning the important lessons is about forgiving, forgetting and dissolving much that we have imbibed and tried to hold back as valuable treasures.
As the cleansing happens, the path opens wider and wider. The opening and widening of the sushumna leaves many tell-tale signs in a person’s personality, appearance, demeanor and habits.
The opening of the sushumna is only part of the journey. Unless the sushumna has an adequate supply of ‘ojas’, the essence of retained semen, the kundalini lacks the medium needed to move up. Yes, the kundalini, in my understanding, cannot move up unless there’s enough of ojas.
That is the reason Brahmacharya, semen retention or celibacy is so important. But, to maintain celibacy, one needs to get a reasonable level of control over their minds.
That is another story!
For now, see and understand the connection and importance of both sushumna cleansing and semen retention…
– rajyogi (rajesh kanoi)
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