‘Stuckness’, Depression and The way Out

We all know someone who is stuck which means they are going through repetitive experiences, habits, patterns, situations, pains, troubles etc.

This being stuck is essentially about one’s energy and consciousness being in a state where the same old same old things keep repeating and one is unable to break through.

Sometimes people may spend their entire lives in this internal trap or prison.

Yet, those who are familiar with yoga, energy, chakras, karma etc can easily recognise and understand this predicament. Many can also offer various cures or remedies.

In my understanding, perhaps the best and most effective way is using the breath to move the energy up and away from its current location which is usually in the muladhara or swadhishthan.

Once a person is ready and committed to change his circumstances, he can start with the breathwork techniques to help him free him from his internal prison.

But, unless one is willing and able to commit and put in that regular and sincere effort, he is likely to stay rooted in his misery and worse…

Unfortunately, many in this condition lack the will power and commitment and even when they are shown a way out, their ego-mind-emotion trio will actively work against them.

The mind is a very powerful thing and it’s the software that runs lives…it also often RUINS lives….

When the mind is overactive, it’s a clear sign it’s looking for an escape route from making any commitment or effort.

There is a strange power in the comfort one finds in familiar things…even when they’re painful or worse….

Many who are stuck are in their special though painful and extremely distressing comfort zones from where they can blame all and sundry without ever taking responsibility for their lives, conditions and situations…

There’s an easy escape route but this escape to freedom comes at a huge cost! It costs one their familiar patterns and pain and worse which they are so identified with…

That’s why the ego-mind-emotion trio becomes more powerful, each bolstering and supporting the other…but none of them doing it to help one move towards a better and more rewarding life.

While psychiatric medicines etc might help some…most only become dependent on them and are able only to change some symptoms but not their lives in any real effective ways…

The real effective ways need one to move their energy away from the chakras (endocrine system) which affect and power their consciousness, attitudes, perspectives and more….

Freedom comes through inner work and using the power of breath is probably among the most effective to help one break away from all STUCKNESS, depression and other mind-ego-emotion imbalances…

– rajyogi (rajesh kanoi)

+91 7003092539

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