If spirituality pulls you like a magnet pulls iron filings think of it as a call from the Maker or from the highest consciousness (Shiva).
Along the axis of the spine where the major chakras are located, if energy is stuck in lower chakras, one’s life will express itself with lower consciousness. Lower consciousness means one is stuck in different kinds of desires, emotions and karmic connections which hold one from moving to higher levels of consciousness.
Usually, it takes very long, decades or even more to make spiritual progress and to balance their karmas etc. It is even said to take many lifetimes to make any noticeable progress. Notice how many people embark on the spiritual path but they rarely seem to make any progress worth a mention. It’s an internal journey so it’s not necessary that changes may be observable to others. But at least those going through it would notice the transformation when it happens.
And, the best way to notice them is not necessarily siddhis or miraculous powers etc. The biggest changes will be noticed in terms of how one’s attitudes and interests change, one’s level of peace, calm, contentment, compassion, acceptance, clarity, creativity, insights, knowing etc.
There is a relatively simple and fast way to effect the change for those who are keen on making rapid spiritual progress.
One needs to move their energy to higher chakras which will begin to change one’s consciousness. The change of consciousness will affect their interests, attitudes, choices, actions, words, emotions etc.
As one’s energy moves higher, both subtle and obvious changes will become observable, depending on individual situations, energy, application, commitment etc.
First thing is availability of enough kundalini energy. If one has not depleted their energy too much through bad and negative lifestyle choices, habits etc. they can channel it higher through the sushumna. SWA-TANTRA KRIYA breathwork techniques help in recharging kundalini energy.
Additionally, conserving energy and fluids through sensible practice of Brahmacharya helps in rebuilding kundalini shakti.
When enough of it is conserved, Yoga teaches it transforms into ojas. Some liken ojas to CSF (cerebro-spinal fluid), which, as the name suggests, is found in the spine and brain.
On doing an online search on them, Google’s AI says,
‘In yogic wisdom, ojas is a concentrated essence of nutritional substances in the body, similar to cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Some say that the stimulation of CSF in the spinal cord during Kundalini awakening can cause shifts in consciousness.
‘Here’s some related information about ojas, CSF, and Kundalini:
Yogic wisdom says that one drop of ojas is produced from one hundred drops of blood, and one drop of blood is produced from one hundred bites of food. Some foods that are said to build ojas include dates, almonds, ghee, raw cow’s milk, local, fresh organic vegetables, and whole grains.
Some say that the soul swims in CSF, and that Dr. Andrew Still, founder of the American School of Osteopathy, thought of CSF as a way for divine intelligence to move.
Kundalini is an energy that is thought to be released within an individual through specific meditation techniques. It is represented as a serpent coiled at the base of the spine. In Hinduism, Kundalini is the energy of divine love. Some say that Kundalini awakening can cause physical sensations like tingling, shaking, or heat. It can also cause powerful emotions and thoughts that were previously suppressed.’
– quoted text above is from Google AI.
Sushumna is the channel through which the conserved ojas or CSF can be channeled to higher chakras, including Ajna and Sahasrara.
SWA-TANTRA KRIYA helps access, cleanse and even widen the sushumna through which the ojas can be effectively channeled higher, leading to changes and ‘shifts in consciousness’.
As these changes begin to occur, advanced techniques may be used to widen the sushumna, deep cleanse it and speed up the movement of ojas up the spine. Thereafter, chanting powerful mantras through the sushumna will help bring great states of ANANDA even as the vibrations begin to transform one within at the chakra and cellular levels.
Changes, transformation and progress will begin to be seen within weeks for dedicated and committed practitioners withbtye help of targeted practices.
– rajyogi (rajesh kanoi)
+91 7003092539
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