One wonderful thing about these modern times is that awareness or at least the need for some level of spiritual engagement is becoming progressively more common.
Many are becoming aware of the need to give themselves some kind of spiritual attention. Increasingly, many are looking for spiritually aware or ‘spiritually matured’ partners.
The word ‘spiritual’ has its roots in the Latin ‘spirare’ which means breath. It means ‘to breathe’ and is also the root for the word ‘spirit’ which means ‘vital principle or animation in living beings’.
The Sanskrit word for spirituality is ‘adhyatma’ or ‘higher self or oversoul’.
Spirituality is basically turning inwards and cleansing that which comes in one’s journey to their higher or Highest Self.
There’s a lot that comes in one’s way to their highest self. And, watching and channeling their breath, using it as a means of inner cleansing, is among the most powerful ways to cleanse and move upwards.
So, for anyone looking for a spiritual partner, it’s important that they themselves walk the spiritual path so that their partnership can be both rewarding and helpful in raising each other’s consciousness.
How to choose a spiritual partner? Surely, this must be an important question to anyone aspiring to look for a spiritual (life) partner!
One simple technique is to listen to one’s heart and that’s not the same as feeling strongly attracted towards someone.
Attraction, especially physical attraction, is usually the reason one chooses a (life) partner. Unfortunately, physical attraction has a very limited shelf life. It’s rare for this attraction alone to last beyond a few years, if that! However, listening to the heart can often be the best way to choose a partner. It’s easier said than done for most. However, for those who practice meditation regularly, it might be easier.
While most expect a spiritual (life) partner to bring great joy and happiness, that may not usually be the case. A spiritual partner, is quite likely to be quite the opposite of what one might expect. And, that may be hard to read in the beginning though signs will likely exist and harder to accept later.
A spiritual partner must help raise their partner’s vibrations and consciousness and achieve this without pampering the other’s ego too much.
The most important thing in this journey to and then with a spiritual partner is to be authentic…totally authentic! Even if this means triggering the other or getting triggered by the other, one must be as authentic as possible.
To be authentic, one must be closely watchful of one’s thoughts, feelings, actions, motivations etc so that they can weed out all the thorns of pretense and drama that might occur on occasion.
In a sense, being authentic is the most important part and sign of being spiritual. It’s also, perhaps, the most difficult! That, however, does not absolve one from working on themselves, on their shadow selves, and regularly working on their inner gardens of authenticity. Unfortunately, one’s authenticity is usually not a trait that endears one to others. And, that is one of the major reasons why there’s so many masks, pretenses and drama all around.
Most can barely accept, let alone appreciate, themselves. And, when others add to the broth of rejection, being authentic quickly flies out the nearest window or quickly goes down the drain…
To be authentic, one has to start accepting and appreciating themselves and that calls for a deep look within. It’s only when a huge amount of genuine shadow work is done that one might actually begin to accept, appreciate and then, perhaps, even admire themselves.
When that is done, one is truly ready for a spiritual partner. Until then, one needs a partner who simply does not challenge one’s make-believe reality! Perhaps, together they can help each other walk towards a more spiritual (authentic?) version of themselves.
Once one finds a spiritual partner, be ready for many surprises! And, if these surprises help one become a better version of oneself, they’ve chosen well!
Ask yourself, are you truly ready for a spiritual partner? And, if not, are you willing to spend a little more time looking for and sculpting the authentic version of yourself that you both accept and appreciate? And, admire, maybe?
Perhaps, you need a few more shocks of pain and rejection before your authentic and truly spiritual self begins to reveal itself…
– rajyogi (rajesh kanoi)
+91 7003092539
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PS: The piece does not aim to discourage anyone. If anything, it aims to help them see themselves a little more clearly so they may take a few more steps in the direction of their higher (spiritual, authentic) selves sontheu may help themselves and their partners achieve their higher goals…