I trust some have started experiencing many benefits accruing from using those parts of your Pranamaya kosha you never imagined even existed.

The Pranamaya kosha is the most neglected aspect of our beings and it is that part through which Ma Shakti makes herself available in her most bounteous form…

Those who understand that Shiva (consciousness) and Shakti (energy) are the two most basic things yet where Shiva can only be reached, accessed and activated through Shakti, come closer to becoming ultimate masters of their beings…

Wish you great devotion and success in this…

Remember, sex and pleasure and massaging of ego etc are really nothing! When all these are burnt in the fire of devotion to Shiva, all Shakti becomes a vehicle for Sati…and Sati is the one and only manifestation of Shakti that can truly and absolutely move Shiva!

Sati is Shakti burning and sacrificing herself in her immense devotion to her Shiva!

Sati is the most powerful manifestation of Shakti!

– rajyogi (rajesh kanoi)

+91 7003092539


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