One thing all have noticed is that the rate of breathing or the number of breaths per minute rises whenever one exercises or indulges in any physical activity.

That’s not surprising in the least!

Some may have also noticed that the rate of breathing increases whenever there is a surge in emotions or emotional activity, as well!

That means, anger, excitement, fear, upset, anxiety etc cause one to breathe faster. Most emotions, esp negative emotions create tension in the body which causes the diaphragm muscle, just below the lungs, to stiffen up which stops the lungs from expanding normally and naturally as they should. The result is shorter and quicker breaths.

When one breathes faster, as while doing any physical activity, exercises and so on, one tends to feel some tiredness after a while.

Similarly, when one breathes faster due to any emotional reasons also, a certain amount of tiredness begins to be experienced.

Overall health, age and fitness naturally impact one’s energy and stamina. However, faster breathing due to an active (negative) emotional environment will have a big impact on how much and how easily tired one feels.

Slowing down one’s rate of breathing intentionally is not easy and cannot be accomplished overnight. If one’s emotions are hyperactive, trying to slow down breathing may actually work to one’s disadvantage as it will create more anxiety and stress.

Instead, learning to calm oneself first and then practicing different kinds of breath awareness and control will bring good results over time.

The process has to be gentle, slow, measured and graded so that one does not end up getting caught up in new stresses and anxieties.

Start by watching the rate of natural breathing as you belly breathe (you can find numerous videos with explanations on the technique and benefits of belly breathing on my YouTube channel: @rajeshkanoi3837).

As you belly breathe and move towards greater relaxation it will help reduce the rate of breathing. Then, ideally with some guidance from an experienced breathwork teacher, you may dive deeper into practices that will gradually reduce the rate of breathing.

It will bring many allied benefits in addition to experiencing greater calmness and more energy.

– rajyogi (rajesh kanoi)
+91 7003092539

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