What is the Raise Your Vibration Program? And how can this program help me?
Whether we are aware of it or not, a certain emotion or emotional energy is whirring on somewhere in the background, deep inside us. This energy helps create thoughts and draws our attention towards things that seem to resonate that energy. This is the thing that one refers to when speaking of one’s vibrations.
This vibration creates a certain energy field around, like an aura and almost everything arround responds to it in some way.
So, before you deal with ways to raise your vibrations you must understand how and at what level you are vibrating.
How can I raise my body’s vibration?
CHECK YOUR FEELINGS – Notice how you’re feeling. There are dozens of emotions with their own dozens of levels (of intensity):
Anger, annoyance, disgust, irritation, contempt, anxiety, fear, embarrassment, guilt, worry etc are some strong negative emotions. Negative emotions are naturally easy ways to pull down one’s vibrations.
Pride, doubt, frustration, shame, sadness, hurt, despair, disappointment, tension, stress etc are also negative emotions.
Delight, happiness, excitement, pleasure, friendliness, affection, hope, courage, trust, contentment etc are positive emotions.
Joy, peacefulness, calmness, love, compassion, humility, politeness etc are also positive emotions that help us vibrate higher.
It follows, therefore, that activities, interests, hobbies that promote these postive emotions are the ones we need to spend more time on. Also, people, situations, events that promote these positive emotions are good for us and help us raise our vibrations.
When our vibrations rise, it’s as if we align with those universal energies that help fulfil us in small and big ways.
The Raise Your Vibrations program uses breathwork to change the background whirring of emotions. It lifts us from lower, negative, debilitating, depressing emotions to high, positive, calm, joyful emotions that help bring us fulfillment.
As you dive into the program, the breathwork techniques you learn will help raise your vibrations. Instead of letting you stay stuck in those low, debilitating emotions, the movement of breath and energy through the chakras (endocrine system) will automatically begin to change your background emotions that limit you and keep you trapped in habit and thought patterns that cause you untold harm. You will begin to approach life, people, situations, challenges etc with better and greater energy and attitudes that will surely change your destiny.

How can you raise your vibrations?
While there are a hundred things that help like hobbies, exercise, nature walks, yoga, pranayama, taiji, music, dance, good company and so on, some are specially powerful like breathwork which seems to be able to deal with vibrations and emotions etc at their very roots.
While belly breathing, conscious breathing, deep breathing etc all help in their special ways there are programs that can combine many of these and deliver tools that help one take charge of their emotions, vibrations, lives, destiny and more in very quick time.
As your vibrations rise it begins to change a lot in you, including your appearance, aura, personality, voice, experiences, relationships and even finances.
How to raise your vibrations instantly?
SMILE! Smiling has a special mystical power that can almost lift your vibrations instantly. That apart, once you’ve learnt the breathwork techniques shown in the Raise Your Vibrations program and practiced them you can then use the techniques to instantly raise your vibrations.

Does smoking cigarettes & drinking alcohol lower your vibration?
Yes and yes and yes! However, once you’ve learnt ways to master your mind and emotions with the Raise Your Vibrations program, occasionally indulging in these will not harm you much. But, generally, these are best avoided to vibrate higher!
What does it mean to raise your frequency?
Essentially, it means the same as raising your vibrations. It refers to the level at which you’re vibrating. If you like, think of a tuning fork and give an emotional tag to different frequencies. So, at x frequency you’re vibrating at a certain level. At x+10 you’re vibrating at a higher frequency…
Frequency refers to the number of times something happens in a certain time-period.
Best Raise Your Vibration Programs, Books, Teachers, and Resources?
The writer of this piece, a long-time breath-watcher offers one of the best and affordable Raise Your Vibrations Programs online and offline.
It’s a ten-hour program spread over about 4-5 weeks with enough time in between sessions to practice and internalize techniques taught.
There are also many very well-known spiritual masters like Sadhguru, Sri Sri Ravishankar and dozens of others who offer very special and unique programs.
There are also unlimited books and resources on a million aspects of mind, emotions, energy etc. offline and online and on the internet. What matters most is what you do and how you use what you know to take charge of your life.
Ultimately, one needs to learn ways to master his mind and emotions. Mind, emotions and ego are all joined together like horses pulling a chariot. However, breath is like the reins that can control them and direct them as decided by the Krishna of higher intelligence, sitting on the chariot with the reins in his hands.
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