Humanity apparently has a higher level of consciousness than all living beings on earth. And, within humanity, there are vastly different levels of consciousness.
While humans often display extremely high to extremely low levels of consciousness, on occasion animals display a far higher level of consciousness than one would expect.
Often one asks ‘what is the purpose of life?’
Answers to this question may vary but the one answer that stands out clear as daylight to me is, ‘to raise consciousness’.
The earth itself is like a grain of sand to an ocean…almost nothing…The universe, on the other hand, is endlessly vast.
Consciousness is not limited to the earth…the entire universe is pervaded with consciousness. In fact, one would think of the universe as being conscious. And, it is this consciousness that brings some kind of order to this vast endlessness.
Essentially, consciousness is an awareness of oneself and one’s surroundings. Plants, animals and even other tiny living things experience some level of consciousness.
Higher consciousness, on the other hand, includes one’s awareness of one’s being and their environment but it’s not a limited awareness. In a sense, it’s a growing or expanding awareness.
In lower levels of consciousness, one’s awareness is like ‘I and them’ where one is at some kind of threat from ‘them’ and needs to protect oneself somehow to be able to survive.
As consciousness goes higher the sense of ‘I’ is a much more inclusive awareness and slowly ‘them’ or a sense of separation begins to dissolve and disappear. One begins to recognise oneself as an integral part of a greater whole and a greater whole as part of one’s being!
A more inclusive sense of being is characteristic of higher consciousness. And, in that sense, higher consciousness embodies a greater expression of love. So, higher consciousness and a growing sense of love where more and more are unconditionally included in that luminous circle of love, are synonymous.
As consciousness grows, so does love!
Beings of higher consciousness, whether one refers to them as God or angels or demi-gods or devatas are seen as loving and boon-bestowing as per their abilities.
As humans grow or expand their consciousness, they come a step closer to their maker and become a little more like their maker, because the maker does not make us from the outside. He crafts us from the inside.
And, consciousness is an inner thing through which the maker expresses himself!
Simply stated, raising consciousness is becoming more godlike, more loving, more inclusive, more giving, more creative, more of one’s bestness in all possible ways…
And, usually, demi-gods, gods, devatas, angelic beings etc have a charmed existence where all that they need is miraculously provided so they may continue to spread their love and bounteousness and help those limited by lower consciousness to become more conscious, more loving and more bounteous, too…
The endless universe has endless space to fill with endless love…
– rajyogi (rajesh kanoi)
+91 7003092539
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