Piles treatment through Breath Work
Each time piles & hemorrhoids act up, targeted Hanuman Master Breath will bring results within hours at most.
INR 12500 INR 10k
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Hours of Classes
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Week Duration
How does the Program work? 🧐
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Breathing practices and pranayamas to start opening the sushumna channel gently; as energy moves along the sushumna, vitality and calmness both increase.
Step 4
Step 5
Using the pranic energy to start unblocking and cleansing chakras; buried thoughts and emotions may begin to come to the surface and must be worked out through awareness and inner work and complete honesty, esp to oneself;
Step 6
Deepening belly breathing and other breathing practices to ensure a very relaxed belly and underbelly; will result in better overall health and well-being, less irritability and negativity; many ailments including chronic ones will begin to fall away like dead skin;
Step 7
Circulating pranic energy throughout the body to learn and master ways to clear pains, aches and discomfort (usually a result of energy blockages); as the blockages are cleared one will begin to feel like a new person;
Step 8
Methods to use awareness and pranic energy to overcome low/negative vibrations and to change them to higher ones; will help clear karmic connections and debt;
Step 9
If all has been done well, kundalini may begin to ascend safely; there will be many signs and symptoms. This may actually happen for some before, too, depending on their lifestyles, previous inner work etc. Kundalini is powerful energy and needs to be handled with extreme care, when it awakens.
Step 10
Relief in Piles or Fibromyalgia through Breath Work
Here’s a comment shared by Shri Rajendra Pradhan who has been participating in some of the breathwork programs and importantly, practicing the powerful HANUMAN MASTER BREATH, which has been explained in this group along with a video.
This is what he says,
‘I read few articles and watched video here and randomly practice Hanuman Master Breath and I don’t know whether I am able to follow the instructions correctly or not but I have seen numerous benefits ,as I watch breath and body I can feel immediate changes and long term benefits are piles ( lump ) is shrinking slowly , my body is becoming flexible , my hunch back is straightening , my chest feels broadened , muscle are relaxed and loosened / flexible, to name a few .
I wish to get instructions directly from Guru Jee ( Rajesh Kanoi ) get more and more benefits .’
A screenshot of his comment is attached below.
He has enumerated a few benefits already, despite practicing irregularly. With regular practice, the results will be much better…
Piles or hemorrhoids can be very painful and worse. When Hanuman Master Breath is practiced regularly it can bring quick results. Permanent cure may depend on numerous lifestyle changes but one thing is certain…each time pile or hemorrhoids act up, targeted Hanuman Master Breath will bring results within hours at most.
Other benefits mentioned by Rajendra ji may be helpful and important for some but these are relatively minor benefits.
Fibromyalgia, chronic back pain, sciatica, varicose veins, pelvic floor issues which affect many women, ED or Erectile Dysfunction for men (and FSAD – Female sexual arousal dysfunction) and many other minor and major conditions will be positively impacted…
It helps those who wish to practice brahmacharya hugely and ensures their fluids are retained effectively.
Do take advantage and share with those who can benefit of this free teaching…
Relief in Varicose Veins & Sciatica Pain through Breath Work-
Varicose veins (see picture) are a very common condition. In India alone, about 10 million cases are reported every year.
Usually, the condition is believed to have cures only after serious medical intervention and surgery etc.
I don’t think so!
Basically, like i mention in all my breathwork programs, many of our health conditions are related to blockages.
Varicose veins are said to happen because there are veins with valves that work only one way…that means they don’t allow blood to rise back up (the legs, usually).
See here what you can do to reverse these blockages.
Those who have learnt and practiced belly breathing will get best results when they combine belly breathing with HANUMAN MASTER BREATH .
There is a Facebook group of this name where an article and video are posted on how to practice the Hanuman Master Breath. You may click here to reach it:
The method:
Familiarise yourself with belly breathing as much as possible…let it happen as explained in this YouTube video:
Next, read about and understand a Yoga Asana, viparitkarini asana (second picture). You may read about how to do it here or elsewhere
It’s a simple pose. Lie with a cushion under your lower back, with your legs up against a wall. Hold the position for a few minutes.
Once you’ve understood and done these – belly breathing, viparitkarini and Hanuman Master Breath,
lie on your back in the viparitkarini pose for a few minutes, allow belly breathing to happen (as explained in the video above) and practice gentle relaxed Hanuman Master Breath.
My wife has been suffering from varicose veins for long and i was trying to get her to practice this for ever. But, ‘Ghar ki murgi dal barabar’ as the saying goes which means one does not value that which is available easily and free. And, until i have first hand experience of an effective breath cure, i don’t share it.
Finally, about 5/6 days ago, i almost ‘forced’ her to do it…one of those days when one says something so emphatically, things get done.
Today, as she was getting her feet massaged at home, she said, ‘look, my varicose veins seem to have reduced’. Indeed, they had…quite substantially!
I won’t claim a full cure yet…it’s only a few days but when I see some confirmation of what i sensed strongly, i feel ready and confident…
And, so here it is…
Please understand the technique…it’s simple and easy…despite this long piece…i will make a video one of these days and share it on YouTube so more can access it and learn easily.
And, heal yourself and your loved ones of this unpleasant condition that can lead to a fairly serious and unpleasant condition if left untreated…
Rules (Terms and Conditions) for the Program –
1. You solemnly promise you will not share my method with anyone until you have been authorized and permitted by me;
2. You will do the practices daily as directed/shown;
3. You will send a daily report on your observations and changes in your breath and other aspects of your being – health/body/mind;
4. At the end of the program you will give a detailed testimonial on your condition before and after the program;
5. You will give me permission to use your testimonial and reports;
6. You are responsible for your health and will take necessary steps and precautions to take care of your own health;
7. You will not accuse or hold responsible the program organizer/s and teacher/s for any health or other issues;
8. You will be extra aware and observant of your breath and its effect on you;
9. There is no fixed charge for the program but participants will be expected to be generous in their contributions so that resources/technology are arranged for widely dispersing means and methods to help people take greater control over their lives and destiny;
10. Any other rules or obligations that might be needed as the program/organizer/s feel necessary.
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The cohort is limited to 40 people.
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Live Classes

Interactive Doubt Session

Regular Followups
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this a completely live program?
How much access do I get to my mentor(s)?
While we can’t promise 100% attention but yes in the interactions we shall try to take common questions and experiences and address all in due course of time
How much time can I expect to spend on the program each week?
Program will be delivered as per the duration but daily practice on our breath always help with better results. You can spend 20 minutes a day to start with and increase with time.
What’s included with the program?
This program takes place online, so no travel is required. And with time you will become part of a a private online community where you’ll interact with your batchmates.