Over-thinking: Disease That Destroys
Thinking is a powerful gift. However, the power of thinking is good only as long as it is done the right way. The right way of thinking is using its power to help solve problems, difficulties, challenges and so on. It can help overcome some of life’s greatest challenges etc.
When misused, overused and used in negative ways, it can destroy the so-called thinker and all that they hold dear.
As I write this piece, I am thinking. Qualitatively, this thinking is good thinking. It’s positive, creative and something that brings clarity.
However, the moment this energy becomes focused on me, my, mine etc it is in danger of becoming powerfully negative. In that sense, it’s really not even thinking any more. It’s MOPING or something like moping.
Here’s how a dictionary defines moping: ‘wander about listlessly and aimlessly because of unhappiness or boredom.
“you spend too much time moping about the house”.’
Mope is defined: a person given to prolonged spells of low spirits.
“a bunch of totally depressed mopes”.’
In a sense, this ‘thinking’ or over-thinking is going around in circles without really reaching anywhere, getting any clarity or achieving anything good or desirable.
Those who can, DO; Those who cannot, OVERTHINK.
Please, never equate this aimless goings-on in the mind as ‘thinking’. It’s anything but that!
Imagine your energy as a spear. The shaft of the spear is the emotions that give it direction, movement and a balance to cover a certain distance. The tip of the spear is thought. Thought gives the energy the sharpness and incisiveness to achieve the goal.
So, usually, right thinking is accompanied by positive emotions. Over-thinking is being in the grip of mental activity that goes nowhere, achieves nothing and brings nothing desirable. It, however, consumes a lot of energy. That’s why most over-thinkers feel listless, tired and demotivated to do any thing! They merely allow themselves to drown in deep swirling waters of an aimless mind.
When you consider that the brain, an organ that has no muscles or movement, consumes almost a third of all the calories consumed, you might want to examine what that energy is achieving.
Remember, science acknowledges that energy is never destroyed. If not, it must be doing something. If your own mind and brain are transmitting energy that can harm you, and you allow that to happen, does that qualify you as a smart, intelligent person?
What do you think a smart, intelligent, self-respecting/loving person would ?
Would he not readily and happily use his resources to fulfill himself in many ways?
An over-thinker, unfortunately, without the ability to understand the consequences of his own actions, throws sharp-tipped spears in such ways that they come back like boomerangs and hit him!
Often, an over-thinker not only wastes their most powerful resources of feelings/emotions and thoughts but they end up using them against themselves!
Over-thinking can be reversed. The most powerful way is to become aware of your own breath and thoughts. Watch your breath…all day long, if possible! Instead of allowing yourself to waste away, you’ll end up becoming a bit of a Rishi! A rishi in the past was basically an observer, a scientist who discovered truths about themselves and the world around. You could end up becoming one like them.
Once your breath helps you cleanse yourself and achieve clarity, your ajna chakra, your vijnanamaya kosha and more will become more and more easily accessible to you.
An over-thinker is not a thinker, much as he would love to think of himself as one! After all, the world values thinkers!
Unfortunately, over-thinkers not only devalue themselves, they actually end up destroying themselves and, often, all that they hold dear…
– rajyogi (rajesh kanoi)
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