(Super Cleansing of Sushumna and Pranamaya Kosha of Kapha/Mucus)

Breathwatching, breathwork and breath exploration have been my major interest for a while and I’ve ‘discovered’ (courtesy Hanumanji) and tried many different techniques with both varying and powerful results.

Kapha imbalance, especially after 40 years of heavy smoking has been a major health issue for me and I’ve used Swaskosh Shuddhi Kriya among other things as an effective way to control it.

Kapha or mucus, especially when there’s excessive imbalance can affect various organs and parts of the body but its biggest and worst impact would seem to be on the respiratory system.

Those who have conditions like COPD, asthma and other respiratory conditions where phlegm/mucus causes disturbances in breathing know how distressing it can be. Many would ‘give an arm or a leg’ just to be able to breathe without effort.

Indeed, whenever breathing becomes difficult, it causes great dismay and all who have experienced a bad case of cough and cold, flu, pneumonia know how terrible it feels.

Muladhara Breathing with SWA-TANTRA KRIYA which employs numerous techniques like lotus opening, three-channel harmonium breathing etc acts like a powerful vacuum pump to cleanse not just the Sushumna Nadi but through it, other nadis as well. In addition, the powerful vacuum effect helps cleanse the chakras as well, leading to innumerable benefits.

Chakras are powerful plexuses which distribute energy into various organs and parts of the body and when they are cleansed and activated, the effects are felt all over the being.

Often, please breathe ten and more breaths per minute and there must gexa very good reason we need so much breath. The prana that comes in with each breath is essential for all the organs.

Cleansing the nadis, chakras and the pranamaya kosha (energy body) with the Muladhara Breath can be a very powerful gift to yourself.

Ask to join the SWA-TANTRA KRIYA basic and advanced program for a total transformation of your pranamaya kosha and experience a lightness of breathing you didn’t know existed…

Naturally, results will come with regular and committed practice, not just by theoretical knowledge so regular practice is key.

Just as eating better helps improve health, breathing better can also improve health…only hundreds of times more effectively because we need to breathe much more than we need to eat.


– rajyogi (rajesh kanoi)

+91 7003092539

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