This beautiful Mahashivaratri which was special for many reasons has broken into a new dawn…
It was special for many reasons…the fact that it coincided with the last of Mahakumbha at Prayagraj, the fact that 7 planets have aligned and added to the energy of the planet in a special way…
I am sure, it was special for many other reasons, too!
The significance of mahashivaratri is that energy is available in profusion and it has a tendency to move upwards. For humans, it’s especially significant as staying awake and keeping the spine straight at night helps energy to move up the spine with greater ease. Sadhguru has made this point repeatedly with his annual Mahashivaratri celebrations at Isha Center in Coimbatore at the foot of the Velluangiri Hills, the Kailasa of the south.
When energy moves up the spine through the sushumna nadi, it accesses higher chakras and that can raise one’s consciousness…
Keeping a fast, chanting, meditation, breathwork etc combine to create a powerful environment to help Shakti move faster towards her Shiva!
Basically, it’s the presence of both Shakti (energy) and Shiva (consciousness) in a being that allows life to exist and to express itself…
And, ultimately, it’s all about where one’s consciousness is for that is how a being will express itself…
Humans are the only life-form on earth who can consciously, with their own intention and efforts, raise their consciousness. For that they need to conserve their energy and channel it up the spine towards higher chakras and then the Sahasrara, at the crown of the head…
This is what makes human life especially special!
My mahashivaratri nirjala fast without food or water ended today at 5 AM on the 27th morning…
I chanted and did my powerful SWA-TANTRA KRIYA breathwork techniques to continue moving breath and energy up the spine…with the sangam breath and more…
You can watch and practice along as you watch the video on the practice:
While yesterday, for some reason, my body seemed to want to expel more phlegm than normal of late, I wondered what the reason might have been. I suppose clarity will come in the days ahead…
Today morning, after taking a glass of warm water with a small ball of neem-turmeric followed by warm water with a bit of lime juice and then tea (without sugar and milk) , I must say I feel fine.
While I didn’t stay awake through the night as I ought to have, I slept around my normal time and woke up around 3 AM to do some breathwork and chanting again.
In terms of energy what I notice is that it’s moving a lot more easily up the spine and creating a pleasant heady sensation…
Will continue to observe how energy acts on my consciousness and write about it if I have anything significant to share…
In the meanwhile, hope you are also noticing some benefits of this powerful meeting of energy and higher consciousness…
May you continue to channel energy up the spine easily and see your consciousness rise…with the blessings of Mahadev.
While watching some of the Isha Mahashivaratri celebrations, I noticed Sadhguru had tears of great love and compassion in his eyes…
Finally, he walked away towards the 112-foot Shiva and seemed to disappear into it…
I wonder if he is indicating that he intends to merge his being into universal consciousness sometime soon…
I hope not as his presence and teachings are a powerful source of great inspiration to millions….
– rajyogi (rajesh kanoi)
+91 7003092539
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