There is an often underappreciated law in nature. All living species from the tiniest and most insignificant to the largest and most significant must contribute to life and nature in some way. That’s when nature helps the species in its special ways…

To an extent, every species acts as a predator or parasite to another and becomes prey to another. Along the way, in some way or other, it helps other creatures, species and nature…

There are many types of bacteria that have made human bodies and organs therein, their home. In the process they do something that helps their environment, human beings in this case, in some way. Bacteria in the human gut and digestive system, for instance, help to digest many types of food and sometimes even toxins.

Similarly, there are tiny bugs, insects and organisms in the soil that help make it fertile by breaking down organic matter, and so on.

In a sense, every living creature, being and species must do something good for other creatures or nature…otherwise, they must be annihilated.

In fact, most species actually help the environment or nature in unique ways and thus, help nature to carry on…But, human beings are a different story.

Human beings, as a species, in many ways are like parasites on earth. We take from and destroy our environment, nature and earth in so many ways that on balance, we can safely conclude that we damage them far more than help in any way.

And, to make matters worse, we treat earth’s other children…land and sea animals, other life forms etc in such a poor way, I often marvel why and how nature tolerates us…why it has tolerated us for so long…

I think it may be because we have a unique role to play despite our extreme and extraordinarily negative effect on all other creatures, nature, environment etc.

This role, in my view has to do with the unique power and ability that humans have to raise their vibrations, to evolve from merely surviving and procreating to actually loving, helping and feeling compassion for other humans, animals, creatures, life forms, nature, earth and even the universe.

This special trait that humanity has makes it very special to Mother Earth and therefore, Mother Earth tolerates so much of our utter nonsense and destructiveness.

If my conjecture is right and I’ve thought about this for many years, and if there’s really no real positive and constructive thing that humanity does for nature, other than what has been briefly stated above, i could well have something there.

Under these circumstances, it becomes a human being’s greatest duty as an individual and as a species to make conscious and consistent effort to raise its own vibrations and through that to impact other creatures, environment, earth and nature.

If we stay limited in our consciousness to somehow survive, seek entertainment, procreate and die even as we mindlessly continue to damage and destroy all nature and life-forms around us, we will be individually and collectively guilty of wasting the highest potential given to any living thing in nature.

If these thoughts resonate with you and make you want to change yourself and ti seek to work to raise yourself and others around you, please drop me a line, an emoticon and or your thoughts.

If you are still young, energetic and want to dive deeper, join the whatsapp group linked below and see how you can help transform yourself and do your, by no means insignificant bit, to help fulfill yourself and all ‘others’ around…

Those who are older and with relatively less energy, but seek to increase it to make a positive contribution all around may message me on WhatsApp number +91 7003092539

– rajyogi (rajesh kanoi)

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