The above question has been sent by a participant in the Tridosha Balancing – Phlegm Reduction for Respiratory Health Program.

While different breathwork programs help improve breathing in different ways, one thing is clear – breathing well is central to good health.

Anyone whose breathing is poor is bound to suffer ill-health and numerous problems connected with physical, mental and spiritual health. In fact, if one’s breathing is poor, it will impact all areas of health.

Some basic points about breathing better for improving health are:

1. Breathe through the nostrils, not mouth – always (except when doing specific pranayama practices);

2. Learn and practice belly breathing. It helps the body rest and recover sooner;

3. Keep the respiratory system in good shape with regular pranayama and special breathwork practices. Anulom vilom, bhastrika, kapal bhati, bhramari and chanting AUM all help.

4. Learn and practice slow, deep and relaxed breathing;

5. Keep the back straight. It helps lungs expand more fully;

6. Avoid smoking and polluted areas, whenever possible;

7. Smile. It relaxes and widens the sinuses and helps one breathe easier.

8. Stay happy and positive as far as possible. It reduces stress in the body and respiratory system;

9. Gargle and practice Jal neti often to help cleanse the airways. Use warm water with salt. Tea liquor is also useful and some salt may be added there, too.

10. Learn and practice powerful breathing techniques that help with the complete pranamaya kosha.

Some of the above practices are easy and all should follow them. Those who are more serious about mastering the immense power of breath to transform themselves and their lives or to make rapid spiritual progress must learn all of the above in addition to very powerful programs like SWA-TANTRA KRIYA.

Breath brings energy into the system and when this energy is available adequately in all parts of the body, it can heal, repair and maintain itself much better easily. Remember the body has the ability to heal itself. And the best way is the natural way.

– rajyogi (rajesh kanoi)
+91 7003092539

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