As a young man, i remember i agonized over this question and often asked spiritual gurus and others these questions.

Answers were either not forthcoming or not quite clear to me then. It left me thirsty and lost each time.

Anyway, life goes on and one gets entangled in the drama of life…so did I!

Today, my wife who is doing the tattva bodh classes taught beautifully by Vivek Dalmia ji of Chinmaya Mission, suddenly jumped the question on me.

Where and why did all the karmic drama start? Why did we need to get entangled in this?

The answer popped into my consciousness almost immediately…

‘Shiva and Shakti! Shiva is ‘chetana’ or consciousness and Shakti is energy, the creator of all the drama – Maya. When Shiva and Shakti combine, jeeva or life may be created. This jeeva, or life suddenly has options…and naturally, a living thing wants to live. As it continues to live it has choices…depending on the choices exercised, this jeeva creates the web of vasana or desire and karma in which it gets entangled.’

‘Got it!’ she said satisfied…and turned to go!

I’m glad…it’s not easy satisfying the curious mind of a curious and intelligent spouse…

– rajyogi (rajesh kanoi)

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