Those that have higher consciousness also have access to greater intelligence, skills, abilities, capabilities and so on.

Their higher consciousness and access to these special attributes that come as a consequence of their consciousness, puts them in a position of relatively more power and influence over those with lower consciousness.

Usually, they are expected to use their higher consciousness responsibly and not in ways that are capricious or detrimental to the well-being of those that they ‘lord’ over.

All that we possess in terms of our beings is comprised of inputs from our environment, including our consciousness, intelligence and all that goes into the formation of our bodies, minds and energy.

Humanity as a unit and of course, individually as well, possesses greater though varying levels of consciousness than any other being on earth.

We exercise immense power over other forms of consciousness, species, life etc and treat the earth’s resources as our own to do what we like with any of them.

We consume, exploit and enslave other forms of life and try to do the same with our MOTHER EARTH.

We must remember that all we have is a gift from Mother Earth, which means she has a lot more of whatever we have and that includes consciousness.

Should she choose, she can exterminate humanity within no time just as we humans often exterminate different kinds of life that we call ‘pests’.

The reason we are able to do that is because we have higher consciousness and we assume our killing of ‘pests’ is necessary for our well-being and survival. But are we using our higher consciousness responsibly? Must we not try and look for better ways to deal with ‘pests’, for instance…or the other creatures that we consume, exploit and enslave?

While human beings are capable of far higher levels of consciousness, for the most part, it’s stuck at fairly low levels and, therefore, we see humans indulging in activities similar to relatively lower forms of consciousness. Most are busy trying to find enough food, shelter, mates etc. and, unfortunately, those who have these, are focused on stupid entertainment. Incredible amounts of time and energy are spent on totally unfruitful activities in the make of entertainment.

There are higher forms of consciousness that are invested in our raising human consciousness and they often work through their chosen ones.

If we do not fulfill our collective responsibilities and align ourselves with higher consciousness, then we might soon run afoul of those higher brings, like the pests to us.

They might well start considering us as pests at some point because we are also damaging our environment and creating difficulties for these higher beings with our low-levels of consciousness…

Whether we understand the value of raising consciousness or not, whether we are able to see clearly that higher consciousness is a passport to a higher form of life or not, one thing is clear, the greatest responsibility for a human being to himself and to those around is to raise his own consciousness with conscious effort and to help as many as possible do the same.

Yes, as human beings, our greatest success is not how much strength, wealth, power, influence we have because these are attributes of lower consciousness and can become easily available when we raise consciousness. Our greatest success is in raising our consciousness higher and still higher…

Use sadhana and the paths or Gyan Yoga Bhakti Yoga, Karma yoga, Raj Yoga to do this…and let your gurus guide you higher on the path if you haven’t connected with your inner guru yet for any reason.

– rajyogi (rajesh kanoi)
+91 7003092539

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