Hanuman Master Breath-Lotus Opening Combined Program
The program shares techniques to open, cleanse and widen the sushumna (Vagus nerve) in unique ways, leading to a huge improvement in all aspects of life.
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Hours of Classes
Online Session
Week Duration
How does the Program work? 🧐
Lotus Opening
The Lotus Openeing techniques starts with Mastering the Hanuman Breath.
What is Hanuman Master Breath?
the Hanuman Master Breath is very simple. It aims to fill the whole body with fresh prana-suffused air.
According to the yogic understanding of breath and the pranamaya kosh (loosely, energy body) there are channels to carry the breath down the front and up the back, along the spine.
The Hanuman Master Breath teaches ways to fill up both the front and back (along the spine) channels so as to make available enough pranic energy to each chakra.
When each chakra receives a continuous supply of this breath, it invigorates and energizes them and works to quickly release all blockages.
It’s called the Hanuman Master Breath because it was inspired by pavansuta (son of wind god), Hanuman who is the one guiding me.
Benefits of Hanuman Breath:
- Cleansing of lungs and nadis
- Better aeration of both lungs
- Improved blood circulation
- Better digestion
- Relief from constipation
- Relief and/or remission of haemorrhoids
- Improved sexual energy, health and performance
- Increased energy
- Better voice quality
- Improved skin texture
- Better mental health and emotions
Opening Your Lotus – Chakra Activation
Step 1
The Sushumna is like the main electrical line and the main drain combined. The better it functions the better is every aspect of one’s life. Most are unaware how to look after their sushumna and to keep it in a way that yields best results, both materially/physically and spiritually.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
As one becomes comfortable with belly breathing and their breath begins to go lower than the Manipura (navel area) and they are able to draw the in-breath from the muladhara up along the spine while simultaneously allowing the breath to enter up along the front, they start benefiting from the power of the HANUMAN MASTER BREATH.
To get their practices another notch higher than in the basic technique (shared earlier) they need to allow their stomach and underbelly to be more relaxed.
The technique here is to pull up the in-breath from the muladhara (perineum – a tiny spot between the anus and the genitals) and allow the breath to go up the spine while at the same time getting a full breath in up the front. The whole process may be done relaxedly without straining or overdoing the breath intake.
The out breath may be ALLOWED to leave up along the spine from the muladhara. It must not be pushed or done with force. Simply allow the breath to leave.
It may feel somewhat difficult at first for some but as they warm to the technique they will get a hang of it and it will happen quite easily.
Initially, one must go slow and observe how the how breath is moving both up the front and back (spine). Speed may be increased a little once the technique is internalized well.
On occasion one might sense cool air or warmth in the perineum or muladhara. And that is a good sign. However, there is no need to try hard or to force these sensations. Let them come when they come.
Some practitioners (particularly, those with the kapha dosh) might even feel the need to expectorate mucus. That’s good and helps cleanse the nadis. They may keep a spittoon or a container (lined with tissue paper for easy disposal and cleaning) handy.
Those who are able to go deeper into this technique will begin to notice many changes. They may make a note and share with others.
Caution – please check with your doctor or seek medical advice if your health condition needs any attention both before and after.
The author of this piece has been practicing the technique for some time and found no adverse effects but each individual must take responsibility for his own health.
Wish you great health and wellness through the amazing power of the HANUMAN MASTER BREATH. Benefits are immense and widespread.
Most of us are somewhat familiar with sprinkler systems used, particularly but not exclusively, in agriculture and farming.
They have valves that can direct the flow in a particular direction and stop it where not needed. Unfortunately, the ‘sprinkler system’ in human beings is neither visible nor so easily controlled. The sprinkler system in human beings carries the gifts of nature through the breath. ‘Prana’ as the breath is called in yoga and Indic systems is not limited to gases…it contains life-force. In fact, it is life-force and according to some realized souls it is consciousness itself. Notice how closely life and death are connected to the flow of breath or its absence.
Yet, regrettably, most take their breath for granted while showering attention and awareness on a hundred other barely important things. And, breath is consciousness itself, an extremely powerful ‘instrument’ that can make, break or change any and every aspect of life.
According to yogis who have explored all aspects of human existence and more and understood it better than most others, have identified a total of 114 chakras and 72,000 nadis in the human system
The 72,000 nadis are ‘branches’ leading out of the three main nadis and supplying vital life-force to all parts, organs and cells in the body. How well these nadis function defines how well one lives. If some, especially the major, nadis are clogged, blocked or in some way, affected, that will mean the flow of life-force is either being denied or concentrated in some area. That leads to imbalances in the mind and body.
Pranayama and certain breathing techniques help clear these blockages and prevent new ones from forming. That makes pranayama and other esoteric breathing practices an extremely potent force. It’s for this reason that yoga stresses on cleansing…cleansing all aspects of one’s being so that one can live a better and more fulfilling life.
Belly breathing, which is the most natural form of breathing and the way that a new born baby breathes is a basic breathing style that most have forgotten and need to relearn. It must be represent and made into one’s default breathing style. It will help clear many blockages and cure many ailments.
ds to help people take greater control over their lives and destiny;
10. Any other rules or obligations that might be needed as the program/organizer/s feel necessary.
Participation means acceptance of these rules (terms and conditions).
Because of the growth in awareness of people keen on improving their health, wellness and spiritual development there’s a huge interest in breathwork as a means to fulfill these aims.
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The cohort is limited to 40 people.
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Live Classes

Interactive Doubt Session

Regular Followups
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this a completely live program?
How much access do I get to my mentor(s)?
While we can’t promise 100% attention but yes in the interactions we shall try to take common questions and experiences and address all in due course of time
How much time can I expect to spend on the program each week?
Program will be delivered as per the duration but daily practice on our breath always help with better results. You can spend 20 minutes a day to start with and increase with time.
What’s included with the program?
This program takes place online, so no travel is required. And with time you will become part of a a private online community where you’ll interact with your batchmates.