Considering we began life at the belly button and the location of the solar plexus (manipura chakra) is related to energy, it’s not surprising that the area around the belly button holds special significance with respect to energy and, more particularly, sexual energy.

The better we look after our belly health the better will be our source energy.

Of all that must be done to help the belly stay healthy, there’s nothing more important than learning to teach it to be relaxed, and at ease.

When the stomach area is at ease, it helps the rest of the body and also the mind to stay at greater ease. A relaxed mind and body are capable of achieving a lot. Conversely, a stressed mind and body are destined to face great difficulties and to lose a lot as well.

As explained in some of my videos on belly breathing, think of the body, not as a collection of different organs, but more as a network with important organs serviced by various systems like the digestive, reproductive, endocrine, lymphatic, cardio-vascular and other systems.

These systems work best when the body, esp the belly area is at ease. The belly area, at the centre of the body which houses numerous organs must be continuously served by the systems to bring in what is needed and remove that which must be removed.

The muscles in the belly region are extremely powerful and they react to emotional and mental states almost automatically. Anyone aware of their body and mind will have noticed that the belly region tightens up whenever there’s cause for fear, anxiety, sadness, anger, upset etc.

All emotions, especially the negative emotions, have an immediate and almost automatic effect on the belly region, tightening the muscles there and, in a sense, exerting a kind of ‘clamping’ effect on the digestive, respiratory, lymphatic, reproductive, endocrine, cardio-vascular and other systems.

When this ‘clamping’ happens, the result is like a minor strangulation of the systems, causing them to function less efficiently than they should. If this clamping or strangulation of the body’s systems is occasional or short-term, the body can revert to its natural healthy state soon enough. However, unfortunately, for many this may happen very often and continue to hold sway for longish periods, becoming a habit in the process.

Breaking habits is difficult unless one puts in a fair amount of conscious effort. That means one has to have a high level of awareness of his own inner states. Regrettably, that’s usually not the case. Few are really conscious enough of their own beings…

However, conscious breathing, esp belly breathing can help break this habit pattern of clamping or strangling of the body’s internal systems.

Belly breathing must be deepened and the belly area needs to be gradually trained to plumb greater depths of being at ease.

As this greater easing happens, one’s systems, esp energy systems will begin to undergo a subtle overhaul and the flow of energy will improve significantly.

Naturally, the greater and easier flow of energy will impact one’s sexual energy meaningfully.

Energy and consciousness (Shakti and Shiva) are the two essential components of life. Shiva and Shakti are not just or merely religious figures. They are a living reality within our beings and we can well say that we are composed of Shiva and Shakti.

By allowing the belly area to relax deeply and practicing belly breathing, we help the body’s systems to allow an easier and better flow of energy. It also helps the body to recharge its energy more efficiently…

Abundant energy that’s channeled higher via the sushumna helps one’s consciousness rise with ease…

And, progressively higher consciousness means one has come and continues to come closer to their highest potential…

– rajyogi (rajesh kanoi)
+91 7003092539

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