Control the Mind Before it Can Destroy Your Life

Ever wondered why you have little control over YOUR thoughts?

It’s like your thoughts are independent and they do as they like. It’s like they decide what they should be like and when they arise and how long they stay…

Strange, isn’t it?

If they are your thoughts, shouldn’t you have the right to decide what they should be, how long they should be there and so on?

But, do you?

See, it’s like this…thoughts can be triggered by anything…someone says something, you see something, you feel something or something random just pops into your head!

It’s all intriguing, if you really think about it!

See, most times, your thoughts are merely a reaction to something around or to something that has happened or due to some worry about the future and so on!

In many ways, thoughts are like an endless flow of random things popping in and out of your head. Unfortunately, most times, they end up making you feel not so good! Often, they actually make you feel downright bad!

But they’re still your thoughts!

One of the important things to remember is that thoughts that just pop in and out of your consciousness don’t really matter so much as they usually don’t harm you too much! They may not bring you any gifts or improve things for you in any way, but at least they usually don’t harm you too much!

But, sometimes there are thoughts that keep recurring in some form or other! They are usually connected with some past incident or some future concern.

Those are the thoughts that can actually trouble you or harm you because you were never really able to understand where they come from, why and their impact upon you. Most times, unmindfully, you welcome them and even welcome them.

These thoughts are like a dead weight or a large boulder on the road of your life. They just don’t let you see or understand or explore other possibilities. It’s like they have a stranglehold or control over you…over your life, over your choices, your decisions…

It’s like these thoughts somehow control your life!

Sadly, unfortunately, you don’t even care to challenge them!

But, if you’re lucky, and you’re willing to challenge them, you need to explore these thoughts and try and figure out how they’re limiting you, imprisoning you…and then be ready to let them go.

Understand, one thing…any thoughts, especially a recurring thought has to be powered by some energy!

The energy for these thoughts comes from some emotions. Usually, these are negative emotions like fear, insecurity, pain, rejection etc. These negative emotions are generated right inside the body…in the lower chakras or roughly the endocrine system.

If your energy is stuck in lower chakras, they will constantly generate negative emotions and these emotions will continue to give rise to debilitating thoughts…

Using powerful breathwork techniques may be among the easiest methods to shake your energy from these lower chakras and give them a chance to move towards higher chakras which do not generate these negative emotions.

Read and learn about the chakras, the endocrine system and their emotions to get a clear understanding.

You may also connect with someone who has a clear first-hand understanding of these to help you in your quest to take control of your thoughts, your energy and your life.

The important thing is to be committed to your well-being because, unfortunately, many lack the will to actually take charge of their lives and destinies.

If you can find the commitment to improve your lot, you can change it by taking command of your own mind and the thoughts it generates.

Thoughts can be powerful things that can can life you high, very high in all senses of the word. Thoughts can also be very powerful things that can push you down into great depths of living hell.

Be sensible and take control of your thoughts, life and destiny before they end up destroying you…

– rajyogi (rajesh kanoi)

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