Think of the Sushumna and other nadis as the secret and major system of well-being.
If the sushumna and other nadis are unable to function well, the whole human system will get swamped and buried in toxins and poisons even as it is starved of what is needed in different organs and parts of the body.
The organs post an important and vital role in human well-being, too but they can only do what they must do when they are well-supplied with whatever they need even as waste and toxins are removed efficiently.
In that sense the human body and its 5 sheaths (as explained in yoga) is like a big city. Great cities are born when they are well supplied with all that is needed and when systems such as the drainage system work efficiently to remove waste and excess water etc.
Imagine how toxic life in a city becomes, filled with the stench of death and disease when its systems collapse.
The same happens with the human body (with its 5 sheaths – annamaya kosha, pranamaya, manomaya, vijnanamaya and anandamaya koshas) when the sushumna and its accompanying nadis are overwhelmed or blocked.
The blockages in human systems can be caused due to wrong lifestyle, practices, habits and the doshas (as explained in Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of health and wellness).
In yoga, numerous cleansing techniques are prescribed and practiced to help clear out blockages and they can be a great way to reclaim one’s health and to continue staying healthy.
Nadi shodhan (alternate nostril breathing) is one of the powerful practices prescribed and it can help immensely in cleansing sushumna and the nadis.
However, though the practice of Nadi shodhan is powerful and effective, it seems to have hit a huge blockage itself due to the immense changes in our environment.
Breathing requires constant inhalation and exhalation and though the respiratory system has its filters to keep out pollutants and irritants, obviously they are overwhelmed due to the immense pollution and other irritants like chemicals and other substances in the air we breathe, especially in most cities and urban areas.
Since the sushumna and other nadis are subtle energy channels, most methods of healing and well-being like allopathy etc may not give them too much attention.
In fact, even the ancient and traditional systems, faced with new challenges seem to be silent for the most part.
However, more esoteric and deeper practices of Pranayama, Tai chi etc may give clues and help open newer paths to greater well-being.
SWA-TANTRA KRIYA is one program that focuses deeply on Sushumna and Nadis as they form the core of the subtle Pranamaya kosha.
Powerful practices such as the Lotus Opening and Flexing, harmonium breath, Hanuman Master Breath and others are included in the program for deep cleansing of the Sushumna and other nadis so that the energy system flows and functions efficiently.
The program helps cleanse and clear nadis deeply so that they can perform well and help other organs and koshas also to perform as best as possible.
The program, however, doesn’t stop at cleansing these powerful pathways to fulfillment or even the chakras. It delivers techniques to experience states of ANANDA (bliss) without a partner or external stimulation, even as they are able to conserve their energy and sexual fluids, and then takes one deeper into the emotional minefields that trap us in the endless cycles of karma, even as one learns and masters techniques to break free of them…
SWA-TANTRA KRIYA helps you gain and experience true and deep freedom from your obsessions, desires, karmas and the games of the mind…
– rajyogi (rajesh kanoi)
+91 7003092539
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