Often, those who are in a position to help someone in some kind of need, may feel they’re superior or are being taken advantage of when they’re asked for help. This is unfortunate!

If and when one is in a position to help someone, think of it as a gift from heaven which is willing to open wider the doors and windows through which it has blessed already!

Nothing in life really ‘belongs’…in a sense, whatever we think of as belonging to us, is actually, at best, only given to us on a temporary loan basis. It has to be let go soon enough…to the next user. The next user of what ‘belongs’ to one is not always determined by the owner. It’s decided by some strange powers of life, karma or something else…

So, claiming ‘ownership’ over anything, especially as a sense of entitlement, to be convinced that one really ‘owns’ anything is at best ‘avidya’ or ignorance of the truth of life.

In Sanatan dharma, the word ‘avidya’ is used in beautiful ways to show how one is really not to blame for anything. If anyone acts or conducts himself in ways that are improper or unsuited to him, blaming or accusing him does not help in any way.

Instead, it’s better to see and understand that one is acting from a state of ‘avidya’!

To overcome ‘avidya’ one needs to develop clarity and wisdom and that takes its own time.

So, when one is called upon to help someone in need, wisdom would cause one to offer help as best as one can, to the best of his ability.

If he’s not willing to do so, then the reason is ‘avidya’ or lack of clarity and wisdom.

Help may be requested in many ways, not necessarily as financial help. Sometimes, it’s knowledge or physical or in innumerable other ways.

Cultivating a habit of ‘willing and ready to help’ is a great gift to oneself. Ever be grateful for opportunities to help in ways that within your easy reach and scope.

The more one is able to, ready to, willing to and gladly offering help one thing is certain…

THAT which has brought one to a state where one can offer help will strengthen and grow and become capable of offering still more ‘help’!

One important thing to remember here is, each time one helps ‘another’, one is really only helping oneself. One is exercising and developing and growing his ‘help’ muscle.

Of all the various muscles and strengths, abilities and resources one has at his command, the most powerful of them all is the subtle ‘HELP’ muscle!

Let your help muscle grow. Help it to grow…exercise it as often as possible in as many ways as possible and watch yourself transform in incredible ways…with a little more help from the ONE above! Be willing to overcome your ‘avidya’ and swim in an ocean of wisdom, ready and ever-willing to help.

– rajyogi (rajesh kanoi)

+91 7003092539

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