Clearing Spiritual and Life’s Hurdles With Breathwork and Chanting
Think of spirituality in simple terms and understand it’s simply using energy to help raise consciousness and to vibrate at a higher frequency. As consciousness rises, one’s attitude and approach to life and its endless drama undergoes a significant...

Dealing With Kundalini Energy
In a sense, all energy in the human body originates from kundalini energy. If you like, you may think of kundalini as a reservoir accessed through a well at the muladhara (base chakra). Usually, for most young people particularly, this well at the muladhara is capable...

Ananda on Call?
A few days ago, i wrote about the presence of Ma Kali, feeding at her breast and her joining Shiva in that classic pose that few truly understand… Today, with the ‘Om namah Shivaya’ chant and breathwork, the waves of Ananda are stronger…...