The Diwali Song – Your Ayodhya Awaits
Vibrations heal and vibrations raise Consciousness through the mazeOf Maya that ties almost all. Most are unmindful, unawareAnd often don’t even careThat they have the means to fulfillThemselves, their dreams And a lot more. Once they cleanse the pathways...

Shiva, Shakti, Ganesha and Fulfillment
Shakti normally travels up to ShivaAlong the thirty-three steps in the spine.Sometimes she stops to rest somewhereOn some chakra and that is fine. Sometimes Shakti is in a hurryAnd she rushes up, unwilling to waitFor she must unite with her ShivaAs he’s her...

Systems, Blockages, Disease And The Power of Breath That Heals
For long I’ve been talking and teaching about how blockages in various systems of the body, responsible for many diseases, illnesses and conditions can be reversed fairly easily with specialised breathwork. It became crystal clear to me when faced with ED...

Christi McAdams, CEO and entrepreneur on Transformational SWA-TANTRA KRIYA
Christi McAdams, a US entrepreneur and CEO shares her experience of the transformation breathwork brought her. SWA-TANTRA KRIYA, a powerful breathwork practice brings immense benefits .. In her words, ‘It is with esteemed regard I present a testimonial for the...