Control the Mind Before it Can Destroy Your Life
Control the Mind Before it Can Destroy Your Life Ever wondered why you have little control over YOUR thoughts? It’s like your thoughts are independent and they do as they like. It’s like they decide what they should be like and when they arise and how long...

Ego – Sense of Self-Preservation, No Love Lost
Basically, ego is a sense of separation, an identity. It’s an awareness that one is an ‘independent’ life. However, no life is truly independent. All life is dependent or inter-dependent on a huge and wide-and-still-wider support system whose very...

Optimising Energy and Consciousness with Breath
(Breathe Down to Muladhara to Increase Energy, Up The Spine to Increase Consciousness) There are special pathways or channels through which both energy and consciousness can be increased within the body. The nadis or subtle pathways down towards the Muladhara will...

Making the Mind Stronger
Today morning, one of my breathwork group participants sent me an interesting question: Q. Sir, how can I learn breathing to (be) better and mentally strong(er)? Here are my thoughts… First you need to explore and understand what the mind is. This in itself can...