Our Blogs
Lotus Opening has become an integral part of all my longer breathwork courses to some extent at least. Lotus Opening...
Trace Emotions (Emotional Grease) and Resilience
Trace emotions can be thought of as packets of energy imbued with memory of unpleasant experiences. Usually, trace...
The Hanuman Money Breath – Expectations
In many ways this program is still in its infancy! Yet, it's powerful! The numerous programs I share started as...
Depression Insights
Depression Insights 1. Depression is a call from deep inside your being to awaken to the reality you’ve long ignored;...
The Power Within
The Power Within I may not be just the bodyAnd, perhaps, not just the mind;There may be a lot more to ‘me’But they’re...
Raising Vibrations Q/A’s
What is the Raise Your Vibration Program? And how can this program help me? Whether we are aware of it or not,...
The Hanuman Money Breath
That the breath has immense power was an insight that settled deep inside my being a long time ago. As I became a...
Breathwork – Not just an Exercise but an Experience in itself
What is breathwork? And how can it help me? Breathwork Breathwork is taking one part of the world almost by storm....
A World to Our Linking
How fondly we desire that the world, the people, situations, events etc around should be as we want them as per our...
Is Your Mind Your Friend or Your Enemy?
Here’s a simple test to find out... Stand in front of a mirror! Tell your mind to recall just five things it/you...
Placebo! No, It’s the Power of the Mind!
In many ways the word 'Placebo' hides a lot more than it reveals or expresses. While the dictionary meaning of the...
Breathwork Checklist for Hanuman Master Breath
Here’s a brief but important checklist of things to observe while doing your breathwork, esp when following what I...
Stand By for Your Shiva and Shakti
Stand By for Your Shiva and Shakti When our energy is in the Kali mode (avatar) - destructive, negative etc. we l,...
The Breath Journey
My journey with the breath started when I was in my teens as an inner thirst for something led me Vivekanandaji’s...
Swaskosh Shuddhi Kriya (Lung Purification Kriya) – Part 1
Below, is repost of part of an article on Huffing (mouth blowing) technique to empty lungs, along with a video...