Our Blogs
The Amazing Powers of Vacuum Breathing Through Sushumna
Vacuum breathing is an extremely powerful breathing technique. It's barely known and so there are few who can benefit...
Sushumna – The Path To Higher Consciousness
Sushumna - The Path To Higher Consciousness It's that subtle but extremely powerful channel of breath and energy which...
78 – Year Young With Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) Shares How She Is Breathing Better
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Mahashivaratri, Feb 26, 2025 and Sadhguru
This beautiful Mahashivaratri which was special for many reasons has broken into a new dawn... It was special for many...
Mahashivaratri Mahakumbha Sangam Breathwork and Chanting
Channels of Breath - Pathways of Energy and Consciousness One of the important things one must discover is the...
Channels of Breath – Pathways of Energy and Consciousness
Channels of Breath - Pathways of Energy and Consciousness One of the important things one must discover is the...
Energy and The Belly Button
Considering we began life at the belly button and the location of the solar plexus (manipura chakra) is related to...
Mahakumbha and Your Ajna Chakra – Letting Energy Help Raise Consciousness
Shylaja ji, an accomplished advocate and a COPD/asthma patient, shares her life-altering experience with Tridosha...
Life is Hell When We Do Not Get Prana Vayu (Life BREATH)
Shylaja ji, an accomplished advocate and a COPD/asthma patient, shares her life-altering experience with Tridosha...
Breathwork Enhanced My Connection With Divine Consciousness
Christi McAdams who recently did the powerful online SWA-TANTRA KRIYA course, shares her inspiring thoughts on the...
How To Improve Health With Breathing Exercises?
The above question has been sent by a participant in the Tridosha Balancing - Phlegm Reduction for Respiratory Health...
Sushumna – The Master Key to Health, Wellness and Much More
Question shared by participant in Tridosha Balancing Program 'Suffering from piles,fissures, cholesterol and high B.P'...
The New COVID and HMPV – Tridosha Balancing with Special Breathwork
The New COVID and HMPV - Tridosha Balancing with Special Breathwork News reports suggesting the new COVID outbreak is...
Control the Mind Before it Can Destroy Your Life
Control the Mind Before it Can Destroy Your Life Ever wondered why you have little control over YOUR thoughts? It's...
Ego – Sense of Self-Preservation, No Love Lost
Basically, ego is a sense of separation, an identity. It's an awareness that one is an 'independent' life. However, no...
Optimising Energy and Consciousness with Breath
(Breathe Down to Muladhara to Increase Energy, Up The Spine to Increase Consciousness) There are special pathways or...
Making the Mind Stronger
Today morning, one of my breathwork group participants sent me an interesting question: Q. Sir, how can I learn...
Muladhara Breathing – Deep Dive Into Bandhas, Channels and More
Mulabandha or 'root lock' is a very well-known and discussed yogic practice. However, the secrets of the Muladhara or...
Muladhara Breathing with SWA-TANTRA KRIYA For Super Breathing
(Super Cleansing of Sushumna and Pranamaya Kosha of Kapha/Mucus)Breathwatching, breathwork and breath exploration have...
Why Muladhara Breathing? Not Just Anal Breathing
Muladhara chakra which sits at the base of the trunk is in many ways the single most important chakra because it...
Freeing Prana – Life Force that Heals Like A Multispecialty Hospital
Think of age as the number of blockages in the system. More the blockages, greater the chances organs and cells are...
Powerful Muladhara Breathing – Much More Than Just Anal Breathing
Among the most powerful and effective breathing techniques there is one that's super special. Muladhara Breathing is...
Mantra Chanting for Powerful Vibrations and Chakra Activation
Mantras create vibrations and they help purify the body, mind, emotions, intellect and the spirit. While simply...
Spiritual Growth – Kundalini Shakti, Ojas, Sushumna and Consciousness
If spirituality pulls you like a magnet pulls iron filings think of it as a call from the Maker or from the highest...
Pay Attention to How You Use Your Attention
In their search to grab attention somehow and at any cost, many lose all balance of mind. Look at the incredible...
Mantra Chanting for Ananda with Spinal and Chakra Vibrations
Chanting of sacred mantras is integral to many religious and spiritual practices. Mantras create vibrations which...
Mahakumbha and Kashi Breathwork Retreat
Mahakumbha signifies the churning of the ocean of life by the struggle and contrary pulls of consciousness or light...
Spiritual Growth and Life Partner
One wonderful thing about these modern times is that awareness or at least the need for some level of spiritual...
Cleansing Sushumna and Nadis, the Secret of a Super Life
Think of the Sushumna and other nadis as the secret and major system of well-being. If the sushumna and other nadis...
The Journey From Muladhara to Sahasrara
The inner journey of awareness from Muladhara all the way up to Sahasrara is the most important and rewarding journey...
To Yoga From Viyoga
Just as a magnet has two poles, a human being too has two poles that go by the names of Atma or Self and Ego. The atma...
The Diwali Song – Your Ayodhya Awaits
Vibrations heal and vibrations raise Consciousness through the mazeOf Maya that ties almost all. Most are unmindful,...
Shiva, Shakti, Ganesha and Fulfillment
Shakti normally travels up to ShivaAlong the thirty-three steps in the spine.Sometimes she stops to rest somewhereOn...
Systems, Blockages, Disease And The Power of Breath That Heals
For long I've been talking and teaching about how blockages in various systems of the body, responsible for many...
Christi McAdams, CEO and entrepreneur on Transformational SWA-TANTRA KRIYA
Christi McAdams, a US entrepreneur and CEO shares her experience of the transformation breathwork brought her....
States of ANANDA or Blissfulness with SWA-TANTRA KRIYA – Kevin Shares His Experiences
One of the highest goals of spirituality in indian religio-spiritual systems is to experience states of ANANDA or...
Positive Thinking + Positive Feeling = Magical Living
A lot has been said and written about the power and importance of positive thinking. It has been emphasized and shown...
Raising Consciousness, Becoming Love
Humanity apparently has a higher level of consciousness than all living beings on earth. And, within humanity, there...
Meditation Rewires the Brain And Makes it More Creative
Think of the brain as a receiver that can download information not only from and through the senses, mind and body but...
Rate of Breathing, Emotional Upheavals and Tiredness
One thing all have noticed is that the rate of breathing or the number of breaths per minute rises whenever one...
SWA-TANTRA KRIYA participant talks about his strong Kundalini Shakti and Ananda (Bliss)
Kevin explains how, midway into the SWA-TANTRA KRIYA program, his kundalini Shakti was only recharged but he began to...
Spirituality and Spiritual Progress
Let us examine, in this piece, the concept of 'spirituality and spiritual progress'. Spirituality is essentially, a...
Rewards of Adhyatma
Adhyatma or spirituality, when practiced sincerely and assiduously, speeds up things and that means karmic debts start...
How Well Do You Know Your Breath?
With an estimated nearly 20-24,000 (twenty-four thousand) breaths per day, it's easily the one thing that you do most...
Being Meditative – What It Means
The importance and benefits of meditation and being meditative are fairly well-known and widely acknowledged. In terms...
The Lonely Path to Your Inner Shiva
Shiva is highest consciousness and human life is nothing if it's not a journey towards one's highest consciousness,...
Energy and Consciousness
The greatest responsibility of humans is to constantly use energy (Shakti) to raise consciousness and to move...
Charity and Generosity are Heaven’s Blessings – Grow Your ‘Help’ Muscle
Often, those who are in a position to help someone in some kind of need, may feel they're superior or are being taken...
The Power of This Moment – Seize It NOW
Forget about all moments, whether gone or to come, for a while. Simply be fully aware of the present moment. Being or...
My Mind – Enemy and Friend
I have spent almost my whole lifeAnd this is what I find -I have just one enemyAnd that's my unfettered mind. All my...