The Mother’s Gifts

The Mother’s Gifts

They ask why those that are not good, those that are bad, are rewarded by the maker, And then they hang their heads in disappointment because they believe they are good. They allow themselves to become dispirited and when they are dispirited to an extreme, they do...
Sushumna and Semen Retention

Sushumna and Semen Retention

Think of the Sushumna Nadi as the super expressway between the major chakras. Of the 72,000 nadis the sushumna is the one that can transport one from the lowest level of consciousness to the highest. That means, once the sushumna is open and active one can rise fast...
The SATCHIDANANDA Breath and States of ANANDA

Humanity, Nature, Survival and Fulfillment

There is an often underappreciated law in nature. All living species from the tiniest and most insignificant to the largest and most significant must contribute to life and nature in some way. That’s when nature helps the species in its special ways… To an...
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