Mahakumbha and Kashi Breathwork Retreat
Mahakumbha signifies the churning of the ocean of life by the struggle and contrary pulls of consciousness or light (higher self) and the ego or darkness (the lower self). The churning first brings out the poison followed by immense gifts. Kashi is the abode of Shiva,...

Spiritual Growth and Life Partner
One wonderful thing about these modern times is that awareness or at least the need for some level of spiritual engagement is becoming progressively more common. Many are becoming aware of the need to give themselves some kind of spiritual attention. Increasingly,...

Cleansing Sushumna and Nadis, the Secret of a Super Life
Think of the Sushumna and other nadis as the secret and major system of well-being. If the sushumna and other nadis are unable to function well, the whole human system will get swamped and buried in toxins and poisons even as it is starved of what is needed in...