Powerful Muladhara Breathing – Much More Than Just Anal Breathing
Among the most powerful and effective breathing techniques there is one that’s super special. Muladhara Breathing is rarely spoken about in public domain, leave alone taught or explained to the general public. At best, it’s kept a closely guarded secret...

Mantra Chanting for Powerful Vibrations and Chakra Activation
Mantras create vibrations and they help purify the body, mind, emotions, intellect and the spirit. While simply chanting mantras without creating and sensing the vibrations may be ok to begin with, they must later begin to create strong and powerful vibrations within...

Spiritual Growth – Kundalini Shakti, Ojas, Sushumna and Consciousness
If spirituality pulls you like a magnet pulls iron filings think of it as a call from the Maker or from the highest consciousness (Shiva). Along the axis of the spine where the major chakras are located, if energy is stuck in lower chakras, one’s life will...