Making the Mind Stronger
Today morning, one of my breathwork group participants sent me an interesting question: Q. Sir, how can I learn breathing to (be) better and mentally strong(er)? Here are my thoughts… First you need to explore and understand what the mind is. This in itself can...

Muladhara Breathing – Deep Dive Into Bandhas, Channels and More
Mulabandha or ‘root lock’ is a very well-known and discussed yogic practice. However, the secrets of the Muladhara or base chakra are barely seen or explored generally and, therefore, clarity about the chakra and practices related to it are also cloaked...

Muladhara Breathing with SWA-TANTRA KRIYA For Super Breathing
(Super Cleansing of Sushumna and Pranamaya Kosha of Kapha/Mucus) Breathwatching, breathwork and breath exploration have been my major interest for a while and I’ve ‘discovered’ (courtesy Hanumanji) and tried many different techniques with both...