Raising Consciousness, Becoming Love

Raising Consciousness, Becoming Love

Humanity apparently has a higher level of consciousness than all living beings on earth. And, within humanity, there are vastly different levels of consciousness. While humans often display extremely high to extremely low levels of consciousness, on occasion animals...
Raising Consciousness, Becoming Love

Spirituality and Spiritual Progress

Let us examine, in this piece, the concept of ‘spirituality and spiritual progress’. Spirituality is essentially, a deeper connect with the atma, soul, spirit or the essence of our beings. We begin to want to connect deeper with the atma or soul as we...
Raising Consciousness, Becoming Love

Rewards of Adhyatma

Adhyatma or spirituality, when practiced sincerely and assiduously, speeds up things and that means karmic debts start getting called, and hopefully paid, faster. That’s a tough ask. Often, those on the path of adhyatma, begin to lose their nerve. That is because they...
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