Mind Your Belly Button and Its Periphery
Mind Your Belly Button and Its Periphery
(Hidden Switch To Higher Self)
Yoga speaks about 5 koshas or sheaths (bodies):
Annamaya – physical body composed of food
Pranamaya – energy body which includes a subtle system of 72,000 Nadis through which energy moves;
Manomaya – mental and emotional which usually directs one through life;
Vijnanamaya – knowledge body with its insights, knowing;
Anandamaya – bliss body.
Notice how annamaya kosha is gross and progressively others become more and more subtle. Pranamaya kosha is subtler than annamaya; manomaya is subtler than Pranamaya; vijnanamaya is subtler than manomaya kosha and anandamaya is the subtlest.
The subtler koshas, in a sense, ‘weave’ through the other koshas…
The subtler koshas are usually outside our range of awareness…at least for most, and people are focused on the grosser aspects of the being…
However, the subtle affects the gross far more powerfully than the other way.
Notice how the body on its own can do nothing unless it has energy…so energy moves the body. Notice also, how the mind influences where one’s energy is used and that it turn moves or directs the physical body.
So, when the vijnanamaya kosha or knowledge ‘body’ begins to influence and direct the mind, see how one’s life can be directed towards the highest goals…
While the manomaya kosha seems to be generally in control, exercising control over the mind directly is near-impossible unless one accesses and develops their vijnanamaya kosha enough that it can start directing the mind or manomaya kosha…
That is when one can be said to be truly on the path to his highest potential…
While not all get there easily or in one lifetime, at least that journey can be started now….
The mind and body-consciousness that drives us mostly, keeps us trapped in the cycle of ‘desire-pleasure-failure/satisfaction-more desire-karma-still more desire for pleasure or revenge-karma…’ etc almost endlessly. In all this, the combination of ego-mind-emotions play their endless games, suportimg and buttressing each other until one is so completely tired and broken within that he begins to seek a way out.
While many get into depression, start medicines, continue with them and relapse into depression almost like a recurring cycle and stay there for a lifetime or more, some connect with their higher self which is right inside each one through the paths of Karma yoga, Gyan yoga, Bhakti yoga and Rajyoga. Some may find a guru outside and some within…
These are the only real ways to break out of one’s trap of desire-karma and the tyranny of the mind-ego-emotion trio.
The real challenge is that the resources of the body (all 5 koshas) have to be conserved and channeled in ways, that can help move one’s energy higher via the Sushumna, the inner pathway towards higher consciousness that awakens and triggers the vijnanamaya kosha by energizing the ajna chakra (third eye, at the forehead).
The mind cannot be controlled directly. Therefore meditation helps. But of all the practices, Breath and energy (Raj Yoga) is the easiest and fastest and measurable way up…
One can actually begin to observe how their levels of consciousness rise…and once one goes past the five lower chakras – muladhara, swadhishthan, manipura, anahata, vishuddhi which are all part of the physical reality, they automatically begin to rise above body and mind consciousness and start accessing their ajna chakra where inner knowing or insights, clarity and heightened ability to discern things enables one to leave behind the drama of desire-karma overseen by the mind-ego-emotion gang.
However, it’s never easy nor a cakewalk because gravity always exercises a huge pull and tries to draw one back towards the lower chakras. After all, temptation can come in many disguises and if one allows his attention to slip, he can easily get trapped again.
The resources of the body move throughout and need to be channeled up the sushumna with regular attention and practices. In this, the belly area adjoining the manipura plays a critical role.
Most have too many emotions and memories stuck in many layers in that area. Therefore, most people’s bellies tend to be hard and tight. This tightness stops the flow of body’s resources and can keep them stuck in a certain area.
Becoming aware of the belly and learning to keep it relaxed and easy is an EXTREMELY IMPORTANT practice. Whenever, the mind-ego-emotion are in action, the effects can be easily felt in the manipura area. The belly stiffens and tightens and affects the flow of energy…
Energy in the lower chakras activates the consciousness of those chakras and then the drama of desire-karma etc begins to play out yet again…
To break out of this, extra and regular attention must be given to the belly (button) and adjoining areas.
Belly breathing is great practice to start and I’ve been writing and sharing videos on the best belly breathing practices for long. One may access it on my YouTube channel…
Breaking the mind-belly connection and freeing the resources of the body to work towards our highest benefit takes its time. But it’s best to start ASAP – NOW!
– rajyogi (rajesh kanoi)
+91 7003092539
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