Here’s a brief but important checklist of things to observe while doing your breathwork, esp when following what I teach for raising your vibrations.

1. Tongue lightly touching roof of mouth;

2. Stomach, in particular, along with the rest of the mind-body very relaxed – deeper the better;

3. Watch breath move down – no forcing but only observation. If it goes to the muladhara, excellent! Otherwise, wait patiently until the body is ready;

4. Once breath is able to reach muladhara, turn it at the muladhara (women – cervix) and slowly channel it up the spine. This includes the in-breath. This is the central insight of the HANUMAN MASTER BREATH.

5. Engage perineum lightly while breathing in but keep the area surrounding it very relaxed. It will happen in time even if it’s not happening now;

6. Visualize a shiva-linga at the perineum on which you channel a shower of golden light from the Sahasrara when you breathe in, allowing a part of the breath to turn up at the muladhara and move up the spine;

7. Keep eyes closed but focused gently at the forehead;

8. Once all the above starts happening easily start ‘ballooning’ the in-breath gently in pelvic area;

9. When 8 starts happening easily allow a light ‘ballooning’ to move up to the other chakra areas;

10. Channel the out breath up the spine – always;

Most practitioners should be able to do all these over time. With sustained practice over a period of time (varying for each individual, depending on his commitment and perseverance).

Caution – never be in a rush to push for results. Listen to your body, watch it closely and let it learn at its own pace. Each body is different as is the way each mind works.

Staying relaxed will get you faster and better results.

When all these become an easy part of your breathing practice, your nadis will have become largely cleansed and your sushumna opened.

If your breath becomes subtle while you go through your sadhana, it’s a sign that it’s working very well and you’re progressing fast.

When one is able to use the breath to overcome different ailments and pains in the body, know that your breath and you have then become close allies. By this time, your Breath should become your inner Guru. Also, anyone reaching this stage should be able to change his vibrations at will. Having learnt to move his breath, he will also be able to channelize his energy up the spine.

It can be used any time but it must especially be used when one is under negative influence of his own mind-body or in such an environment.

This piece, detailing the practice, is still only in its secondary stage. A more detailed piece may follow if inspiration so chooses.

Happy breathing and raising of vibrations.

– Rajyogi (Rajesh Kanoi)

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