Stand By for Your Shiva and Shakti

When our energy is in the Kali mode (avatar) – destructive, negative etc. we l, especially, need to bring our Shiva (consciousness) down to where Kali is rampaging…muladhara, swadhishthana etc and lay down like Shiva does when Kali dons her ferocious nature…

Notice, Shiva uses neither force nor reasoning to contain her. He merely makes himself passively available to her. Soon as ma Mali steps on her Shiva, she undergoes a transformation and drops her ferociousness, destructiveness and negativity….

You and I and all humans are a combination of Shiva and Shakti…

When we allow our lower selves (egos) to stand by and observe the play of Shiva and Shakti within, our beings start to become transformed…

Allow Shiva to descend from his Kailasa at the sahasrara to the muladhara and notice how the Kali within stops her macabre dance and transform herself and in the process you, too!

Use your breath channel down the front to create a path for Shiva to come and lay himself down. And, then….

Let him take her (Kali) by the hand and lead her up the spine (back) channel (sushumna) towards his Kailasa…

Once the sushumna is cleared and cleansed, Shiva and Shakti will move through and within you as they do through the cosmos…

You, after all, are also a cosmos!

– Rajyogi (Rajesh Kanoi)

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